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Individual Income and Payroll Taxes

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Portland tax rates and complexity Portland Oregon income tax rates

Portland’s Weirdly High Taxes

Portland residents face some of the country’s highest taxes on just about every class of income. In an era of dramatically increased mobility for individuals and businesses alike, that’s not a recipe for success. 

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Supreme Court Rules against Moores 7-2, Leaves Most Questions Undecided

The government won in Moore. However, given the narrow opinion of the court and the reasoning in the Barrett concurrence and the Thomas dissent, it seems likely that future rulings under other facts and circumstances could favor taxpayers instead.

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How the TCJA Affected Legal Business Forms

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) significantly lowered the effective tax rates on business income, but the impact was not the same for C corporations and pass-through businesses.

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Tax Neutrality: Balancing Priorities

Neutral tax codes don’t play favorites or try to influence personal or business decisions but stick to what they’re best at – raising sufficient revenue through low rates and a broad base.

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Five Things To Know About Trump’s Income Tax and Tariff Idea

Former President Trump floated the possibility of entirely replacing the federal income tax with new tariffs. He also raised other ideas like eliminating taxes on tipped income and lowering the corporate tax rate by one percentage point.

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Tax Burden on Labor in Europe, 2024

To make the taxation of labor more efficient, policymakers should understand the inputs into the tax wedge, and taxpayers should understand how their tax burden funds government services.

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National Tax Poll Results and Answers: Understanding the Tax Code

National Tax Literacy Poll: Understanding the Tax Code

To make sound financial decisions and support better tax policy, taxpayers should understand the taxes they face. Unfortunately, most U.S. taxpayers do not know or are unsure of basic tax concepts.

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America Should Learn from Successful Universal Savings Policy Across the Pond

For U.S. policymakers looking to encourage greater saving and financial security, particularly among low- and moderate-income households facing serious affordability challenges, the experiences in both the UK and Canada indicate that universal savings accounts are an effective policy tool to help reach that goal.

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Caitlin Clark’s Other Audience: State Tax Departments

When Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese made their WNBA preseason debuts, basketball fans across the country tuned in. But there’s another audience that also follows along: state revenue officials, who will expect their piece of the pie each time these star athletes—and their teammates—come to town.

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