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EU wealth tax discussion and debate EU wealth tax proposal 2023

The Wealth Tax Discussion Is Back

Given that wealth taxes collect little revenue and have the potential to disincentivize entrepreneurship and investment, perhaps European countries should repeal them rather than implement one across the continent.

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JCT Analyzes Federal Revenue Effects of Pillar Two

The JCT analysis raises some useful questions for the U.S. domestic debate over Pillar Two. The Treasury Department should examine its support for an agreement that will reduce its own revenue intake. But it is also worth noting that the principal mechanism for the revenue reduction—the foreign tax credit—is a policy already baked into U.S. law, including the Republican-enacted global minimum tax from 2017. The OECD deal merely takes advantage of this longstanding feature.

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utpr pillar two us tax base oecd global minimum tax ways and means jason smith

Why Does the UTPR Matter?

As the UTPR is a new concept, it is worth explaining what it is and why Rep. Smith cares about it. In a sentence, the Undertaxed Profits Rule (UTPR) is a looming extraterritorial enforcement mechanism for a tax base the U.S. has not adopted.

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Tax Burden on Labor in Europe, 2023

To make the taxation of labor more efficient, policymakers should understand the inputs into the tax wedge, and taxpayers should understand how their tax burden funds government services.

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US Tax Burden on Labor 2023 US Income Tax Burden and US Payroll Tax Burden

The U.S. Tax Burden on Labor, 2023

Although the U.S. has a progressive tax system and a relatively low tax burden compared to the OECD average, average-wage workers still pay more than 30 percent of their wages in taxes.

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EU tax revenue stability amid global financial crisis European public debt crisis and Eurozone recession tax policy

Tax Policy and Economic Downturns in Europe

While some temporary policies can help in a crisis, policymakers should focus their efforts on sustainable policies that support growth and the resilience of businesses (and government coffers) over the long term.

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Estate taxes, inheritance taxes, and gift taxes in Europe 2023

Estate, Inheritance, and Gift Taxes in Europe, 2023

As tempting as inheritance, estate, and gift taxes might look—especially when the OECD notes them as a way to reduce wealth inequality—their limited capacity to collect revenue and their negative impact on entrepreneurial activity, saving, and work should make policymakers consider their repeal instead of boosting them.

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Tax Subsidies for R&D Expenditures in Europe including R&D tax incentives

Tax Subsidies for R&D Expenditures in Europe, 2023

Many countries incentivize business investment in research and development (R&D), intending to foster innovation. A common approach is to provide direct government funding for R&D activity. However, a significant number of jurisdictions also offers R&D tax incentives.

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Global excise tax trends and global excise tax applications data and research on excise taxes

Global Excise Tax Application and Trends

When designed well, excise taxes discourage the consumption of products that create external harm and generate revenue for funding services that ameliorate social costs. The effectiveness of excise tax policy depends on the appropriate selection of the tax base and tax rate, as well as the efficient use of revenues.

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Capital cost recovery and capital allowances in the OECD 2023 , full expensing, full immediate expensing

Capital Cost Recovery across the OECD, 2023

To recover from the pandemic and put the global economy on a trajectory for growth, policymakers need to aim for more generous and permanent capital allowances. This will spur real investment and can also contribute to more environmentally friendly production across the globe.

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EU tax research The European Commission and the Taxation of the Digital Economy EU digital levy

EU Taxation: Prioritizing Geopolitics over Revenue

If the EU wants to strategically compete with economic powers like the United States or China, it needs principled, pro-growth tax policy that prioritizes efficient ways to raise revenue over geopolitical ambitions.

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Ways & means tax proposal seeks to combat extraterritorial taxes and discriminatory taxes Global minimum tax revenue OECD Pillar Two revenue OECD impact assessment OECD Pillar One tax Pillar one amount a Biden interest limitation Biden interest deduction rule Biden interest expense limitation Business interest expense limitation Democrat Senate international tax overhaul discussion draft legislation (Wyden Brown Warner international tax overhaul) or Sen Wyden international tax plan,

What the OECD’s Pillar Two Impact Assessment Misses

The process leading to the global minimum tax has been messy, and the mess will likely continue for years to come. New revenues are hardly a salve for the setback they represent.

7 min read
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) US EU tax and trade policy why Congress should care about EU tax policy

In the Shadow of T-TIP: Why Congress Should Care About EU Tax and Trade Issues in 2023

The EU’s unilateral approach with carbon taxes, faster track on the global minimum tax, and threat of renewed efforts on DSTs means that U.S. policymakers face some hard choices. Policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic should keep in mind pro-growth tax and trade principles that promote a rules-based international order and increase opportunity.

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