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Local Taxes

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Understanding the Property Tax

With property tax bills on the rise, homeowners are searching for answers—and some even want to abolish the tax altogether. In this episode, we break down why property taxes are increasing, common but flawed solutions, and why the property tax remains an economically efficient revenue source.

2025 sales tax rates by state sales taxes

State and Local Sales Tax Rates, 2025

Retail sales taxes are an essential part of most states’ revenue toolkits, responsible for 24 percent of combined state and local tax collections.

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Taxpayers Shoulder a Heavy Burden for Sports Stadium Subsidies

Taxpayers Shoulder a Heavy Burden for Sports Stadium Subsidies

Sports stadium subsidies are salient political gimmicks designed to appear as if politicians are providing tangible benefits to taxpayers. The empirical evidence shows repeatedly that stadium subsidies fail to generate new tax revenue and new jobs or attract new businesses.

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Meals Tax Rates across the Nation US food taxes on prepared food and restaurant tax information

Meals Taxes across the Nation

States would do better to broaden the sales tax base to include currently exempt classes of final consumption than to impose disproportionate taxes on prepared foods.

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State gross receipts taxes by state 2024

Gross Receipts Taxes by State, 2024

Gross receipts taxes impose costs on consumers, workers, and shareholders alike. Shifting from these economically damaging taxes can thus be a part of states’ plans for improving their tax codes in an increasingly competitive tax landscape.

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Maryland local income tax hike proposal

Maryland Considers Raising Local Income Taxes

Local income taxes in Maryland constitute about 35 percent of local tax collections and more than 17 percent of local revenue, giving Maryland’s localities the highest dependence on income taxes in the nation.

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Nebraska Property Tax Relief Proposal by Governor Jim Pillen

Evaluating Nebraska Governor’s Plan for Property Tax Relief

Nebraskans need property tax relief and there are sound ways to provide it. However, increasing the sales tax rate to the highest in the country and dramatically increasing cigarette excises is not sound tax policy. 

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2023 state tax changes taking effect july 1

State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2023

At least 32 notable tax policy changes recently took effect across 18 states, including alterations to income taxes, payroll taxes, sales and use taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes. See if your state tax code changed.

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Guide to property taxes Andrey Popov comp 2

Close to Home: A Short Guide to Property Taxes

As housing prices are rapidly increasing, and property tax bills along with them, the property tax has come into the spotlight in many states. The design of a state’s property tax system can affect how attractive that state is to businesses and residents.

9 min read
West Virginia tax relief plan includes Governor Justice tax cut and West Virginia tax reform proposals

West Virginia Lawmakers Reach Deal on Tax Relief

In a day and age when businesses and individuals alike are increasingly mobile, West Virginians can be relieved that their state is getting off the sideline and into the action.

4 min read
2023 local income taxes by state and municipality 2023 local income tax rates and local taxes or local income tax data by county

Local Income Taxes: A Primer

Most states avoid municipal income taxes for good reason. These taxes are more volatile and less economically competitive than other forms of taxation available to local governments, and add substantial complexity for governments and taxpayers alike.

23 min read
2023 local income taxes by state and municipality 2023 local income tax rates and local taxes or local income tax data by county

A Look at Local Income Taxes

Levied in thousands of cities, counties, school districts, and other localities, local income taxes are often used to either lower other taxes (like property taxes) or raise more revenue for local services. While they may make sense on paper, local income taxes come with more challenges than other local revenue sources.

The Efficiency of State and Local Tax Administration of Local Taxes including Local Sales Taxes and Local Tourism Taxes

The Efficiency of State Administration of Local Taxes

The logic that has prevailed for local sales taxes should apply equally to other taxes that localities impose on multijurisdictional businesses, including local tourism taxes. The evidence is clear that central administration of local taxes reduces compliance costs without sacrificing local revenue.

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State and local tax collections, state and local tax revenue by state taxes by state Unpacking the State and Local Tax Toolkit: Sources of State and Local Tax Collections (FY 2020)

Unpacking the State and Local Tax Toolkit

Maine has blueberry taxes. Alabama has mosquito taxes. Each state and county has its tax quirks. But when state and local governments want to raise revenues, there are four key taxes they turn to.