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State marriage penalty, state marriage penalties, does your state have a marriage penalty?

Does Your State Have a Marriage Penalty?

A marriage penalty exists when a state’s income brackets for married taxpayers filing jointly are less than double the bracket widths that apply to single filers.

2 min read
European tax treaties, European tax treaty network

Tax Treaty Network of European Countries

Tax treaties usually provide mechanisms to eliminate double taxation and can provide certainty and stability for taxpayers and encourage foreign investment and trade. A broad network of tax treaties contributes to the competitiveness of an economy.

1 min read
Thin-capitalization rules, Thin-cap rules in Europe

Thin-Cap Rules in Europe

To discourage a certain form of international debt shifting, many countries have implemented so-called thin-capitalization rules (thin-cap rules), which limit the amount of interest a multinational business can deduct for tax purposes.

4 min read

Biden’s Proposal Would Shift the Distribution of Retirement Tax Benefits

One of Biden’s tax proposals that has gotten little attention is a change that would shift the benefits of tax deferral in traditional retirement accounts toward lower- and middle-income earners. The plan would reduce the tax benefit for those earning above $80,250 but under $400,000, violating Biden’s tax pledge to not raise taxes on earners below the $400,000 threshold.

5 min read
How high are property taxes in my state? How high are property taxes in your state? state property taxes paid as a percentage of owner-occupied housing value

How High Are Property Taxes in Your State?

New Jersey has the highest effective rate on owner-occupied property at 2.21 percent, followed closely by Illinois (2.05 percent) and New Hampshire (2.03 percent).

2 min read