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Center for Global Tax Policy

The mission of the global program is to promote tax and fiscal policy that leads to higher economic growth and improved quality of life for taxpayers throughout the world.

We produce the annual International Tax Competitiveness Index, a survey of corporate tax rates around the world, and several other comparative reports that allow taxpayers, journalists, and policymakers to compare their tax policies with those in other countries.

Tax Foundation Europe

The mission of Tax Foundation Europe is to promote tax policies that are stable, neutral, simple, and transparent at the Member State and EU levels. We produce research and analysis specifically designed to inform five key debates in European tax policy: the concept of tax fairness, the twin transition of the green and digital economies, government revenue and own resources, competitiveness and productivity, and the future of taxation in the EU.

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Global Tax Deal   |   European Tax Maps   |   Digital Taxation   |   Carbon Taxes   |   Cost Recovery

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UK capital allowances UK cost recovery and UK super deduction tax policy

After the UK Super-Deduction: Assessing Proposals for the Reform of Capital Allowances

For many years, the UK has adopted a strikingly ungenerous approach to capital cost recovery – the ability of firms to write off investment against tax. This has coincided with consistently low levels of business investment. The super-deduction, which has temporarily made the UK tax system much more supportive of capital investment in plant and machinery is set to expire.

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Marginal Tax Rates and Economic Opportunity

Research has shown that spikes in tax rates can act as barriers to upward mobility. High marginal tax rates might directly influence the decisions workers make about accepting a raise, working additional hours, or whether they might remain on government benefits.

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International Tax Competitiveness Index 2021

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