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Taxes and the Economy

The research below explores the economics of tax policy and the intellectual underpinnings of our efforts to quantify tax changes using our dynamic Taxes and Growth (TAG) macroeconomic model.

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Tax Policy and the US Economy: Enhancements to Our Modeling Framework

The Tax Foundation models tax policy using our proprietary Taxes and Growth model, illustrating the economic, revenue, and distributional impacts of different changes to the federal tax code. We’ve recently implemented improvements to the model that have been underway for the past several years, and we will be detailing them further in our forthcoming model methodology update.

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Does the Optimal Tax System Exist?

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Three Reasons Why Dynamic Scoring Still Matters

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A Tale of Two Tax Plans in the United Kingdom

History is clear. Lowering budget deficits via spending restraint frees resources for additional private output and jobs. Lowering them by raising taxes on business investment and labor services makes it harder to dis-inflate without a recession.

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Marginal Tax Rates and Economic Opportunity

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