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Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes

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2023 state tax changes taking effect july 1

State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2023

At least 32 notable tax policy changes recently took effect across 18 states, including alterations to income taxes, payroll taxes, sales and use taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes. See if your state tax code changed.

16 min read
tobacco tax data cigarette tax data cigarette tax revenue tobacco tax revenue cigarette smuggling data

Compare Tobacco Tax Data in Your State

Tobacco is the most highly taxed consumer product in the United States. The tools on this page allow you to explore state tax rates and the effects tax policy and tobacco regulations can have on state revenues, smuggling, and effective tax rates for different income groups.

2 min read
Can States Close Budget Deficits with Excise Tax Hikes, State Tax Hikes, State budget deficits. Sin Taxes. Elizabeth Warren wealth tax

How Stable is Cigarette Tax Revenue?

This web tool allows taxpayers to see how cigarette tax revenues have changed since 1955. Across almost all states, a clear pattern of volatility emerges. Tax rate hikes are met with a momentary bump in revenue, followed by a falloff.

2 min read
Global excise tax trends and global excise tax applications data and research on excise taxes

Exploring Excise Tax Trends

The tax base around the world is shrinking for traditional excise taxes, including taxes on tobacco, alcohol, and motor fuel. But newer excise taxes on things like carbon, cannabis, and ride-sharing are on the rise. What makes a good design for these taxes and where may excise taxes go in the future as the traditional “sin tax” base continues to shrink?

Global excise tax trends and global excise tax applications data and research on excise taxes

Global Excise Tax Application and Trends

When designed well, excise taxes discourage the consumption of products that create external harm and generate revenue for funding services that ameliorate social costs. The effectiveness of excise tax policy depends on the appropriate selection of the tax base and tax rate, as well as the efficient use of revenues.

83 min read
2022 vapor taxes by state vaping tax rates on e-cigarettes and vaping taxes by state

Vaping Taxes by State, 2022

If the policy goal of taxing cigarettes is to encourage cessation, vapor taxation must be considered a part of that policy design.

4 min read
State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2022

State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2022

Although the majority of state tax changes take effect at the start of the calendar year, some are implemented at the beginning of the fiscal year. Fourteen states have notable tax changes taking effect on July 1.

7 min read
Cigarette taxes in the EU cigarette tax rates EU tobacco Europe taxes

Cigarette Taxes in Europe, 2022

Ireland and France levy the highest excise duties on cigarettes in the EU, at €8.85 ($10.47) and €6.88 ($8.13) per 20-cigarette pack, respectively.

3 min read
Cigarette tax Europe, cigarette taxes in the EU, Cigarette taxes in Europe and Cigarette tax rates in Europe 2021, European cigarette taxes

Cigarette Taxes in Europe, 2021

Ireland and France levy the highest excise duties on cigarettes in the EU, at €8.42 ($9.60) and €6.61 ($7.53) per 20-cigarette pack, respectively. This compares to an EU average of €3.34 ($3.80). Bulgaria (€1.81 or $2.06) and Poland (€2.08 or $2.37) levy the lowest excise duties.

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State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2021

Thirteen states have notable tax changes taking effect on July 1, 2021, which is the first day of fiscal year (FY) 2022 for every state except Alabama, Michigan, New York, and Texas. Individual and corporate income tax changes usually take effect at the beginning of the calendar year for the sake of maintaining policy consistency throughout the tax year, but sales and excise tax changes often correspond with the beginning of a fiscal year.

11 min read
State vaping taxes 2021 state vaping tax rates and vaping taxes by state. 2021 state vapor tax rates (Vape and e-cigarette taxes)

Vaping Taxes by State, 2021

Several states are considering introducing or increasing taxes on vapor products to make up declining tax revenue from traditional tobacco products or to fill budget holes in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. However, lawmakers should approach the issue carefully because flawed excise tax design on vapor products could drive consumers back to more harmful combustible products like cigarettes.

3 min read
Excise Taxes, 2021 Excise Tax Rates and 2021 Excise Tax Trends

The World of Excise Taxation

Marijuana, betting, soda, ride-sharing—over the last decade, the excise tax family has grown significantly and it’s more crucial than ever that lawmakers, businesses, and consumers understand the possibilities and, more importantly, limitations of excise tax application.