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E-Cigarette and Vaping Taxes

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Excise Taxes, 2021 Excise Tax Rates and 2021 Excise Tax Trends

Excise Tax Application and Trends

The excise tax family is growing. Over the last decade, several products have become subject to excise taxes or are in the process of becoming so. Given this development, it is more crucial than ever that lawmakers, businesses, and consumers understand the possibilities and, more importantly, limitations of excise tax application.

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Consumption Tax Policies in OECD Countries

Despite the potential of consumption taxes as a neutral and efficient source of tax revenues, many governments have implemented policies that are unduly complex and have poorly designed tax bases that exclude many goods or services from taxation, or tax them at reduced rates.

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State Tax Changes Effective January 1, 2021

Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia had notable tax changes take effect on January 1, 2021. Because most states’ legislative sessions were cut short in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fewer tax changes were adopted in 2020 than in a typical year.

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Taxation of Tobacco and Vapor Products on the Ballot in Oregon

Oregon’s Measure 108 introduces a risk of increased tax avoidance and evasion activity as consumers of the products often procure cigarettes from lower tax jurisdictions. At $3.33 per pack, Oregon would have the highest excise tax on cigarettes in the region.

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2020 state tax rates and changes as of July 1, 2020, 2020 tax changes, 2020 state tax changes as of July 1, 2020

State Tax Changes Effective July 1, 2020

Nineteen states had notable tax changes take effect on July 1, 2020. Pandemic-shortened sessions contributed to less—and different—activity on the tax front than is seen in most years, and will likely yield an unusually active summer and autumn, with many legislatures considering new measures during special sessions.

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Michigan Vapor Tax Bill Gets It Half-Right

In line with the nationwide trend of taxing vapor products, the Michigan Senate has passed a new 18 percent tax on vapor products. These taxes are often intended to achieve a two-fold goal: deterring youth use and raising revenue. The Michigan bill is no exception.

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Vaping Taxes by State, 2020

Many states may be looking toward vapor and other excise taxes to fill budget holes caused by the coronavirus crisis. While those areas may represent untapped revenue sources for many states, taxing those activities is unlikely to raise much revenue in the short term.

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Can States Close Budget Deficits with Excise Tax Hikes?

We examine whether excise taxes are a solution to budget deficits, and while the short answer to that question is no, there are of course nuances. Excise taxes can play a role in state revenues even as policymakers appreciate that excise taxes are not viable long-term revenue tools for general spending priorities.

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Excise Taxes on Vapor Products Are Trending

While lawmakers are working through the design of vapor tax proposals, they must thread the needle between protecting adult smokers’ ability to switch and barring minors’ access to nicotine products. A good first step is creating appropriate definitions for the new nicotine products to avoid unintended disproportionate taxation based on design differences or bundling.

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Maryland Legislature Seeks Revenue with Risky Proposals

One notable consequence of high state tobacco excise tax rates is increased smuggling as people procure discounted products from low-tax states and sell them in high-tax states. Smugglers wouldn’t have to look far to find cheaper smokes. All of Maryland’s neighboring states have rates lower than $4 per pack, including Virginia ($1.20) and West Virginia ($0.30). Such an increase would impact the many small business owners operating vape shops around the state and convenience stores relying heavily on vapers as well as tobacco sales.

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Banning Flavored Tobacco Could Have Unintended Consequences

The prospect of a ban on flavored tobacco and nicotine products highlights the complications of contradictory tax and regulatory policy, the instability of excise taxes that go beyond pricing in the cost of externalities, and the public risks of driving consumers into the black market through excessive taxation or regulation.

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