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8877 Results
2019 Election Day 2019, state and local tax ballot measure results, 2019 tax ballot measures, 2019 ballot results

Results of 2019 State and Local Tax Ballot Initiatives

Election Day 2019 will feature notable tax-related ballot measures in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington. Once the polls close tonight, beginning with Pennsylvania and Texas at 8 PM EST, we will begin tracking the results as they come in.

4 min read
Elizabeth Warren tax proposals, Elizabeth Warren Medicare for All, Elizabeth warren medicare-for-all tax, Elizabeth warren medicare for all tax proposals

Reviewing Elizabeth Warren’s Tax Proposals to Fund Medicare for All

Elizabeth Warren released a detailed plan on how she would fund Medicare For All, proposing a wealth tax, financial transactions tax, mark-to-market taxation of capital gains income, and a country-by-county minimum tax, among other reforms.

5 min read