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2021 state corporate income tax rates and brackets. 2021 state corporate tax rates. What are the state corporate tax rates for 2021? Which state has the lowest corporate tax rate? Lowest state corporate tax rate

State Corporate Income Tax Rates and Brackets, 2021

North Carolina’s 2.5 percent corporate tax rate is the lowest in the country, followed by Missouri (4 percent) and North Dakota (4.31 percent). Seven other states impose top rates at or below 5 percent: Florida (4.458 percent), Colorado (4.55 percent), Arizona (4.9 percent), Utah (4.95 percent), and Kentucky, Mississippi, and South Carolina (5 percent).

7 min read
GOP Covid GOP proposal GOP Covid proposal and Biden American Rescue Plan Biden GOP covid proposal GOP covid relief bill

Modeling Different Proposals for Round Three Direct Payments

President Biden is calling for a third round of economic impact payments to households as part of his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. Under the plan, the payments would be $1,400 per person, topping off the recent round of $600 payments for a combined $2,000 per person. Senate Republicans have proposed payment amounts of $1,000 per individual and $500 per dependent, lower income thresholds, and faster phaseout rates.

5 min read
Nebraska income tax reform and Nebraska tax relief pro-growth tax modernization in nebraska Nebraska Tax Modernization A Key to Economic Recovery and Growth in Nebraska

Thirteen Priorities for Pro-Growth Tax Modernization in Nebraska

We identify 13 of the highest tax reform priorities Nebraska policymakers should consider in their effort to create a more growth-friendly tax code. We also offer a sample comprehensive tax reform plan to show one way policymakers could begin tackling these objectives over the next couple legislative sessions, with further progress to be made in the years ahead.

8 min read