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arizona lawmakers Arizona income tax cuts Arizona federal conformity Arizona tax cuts

Arizona Legislators Consider Lower, Flatter Income Tax

The income tax changes in HB 2900 as introduced would improve Arizona’s individual income tax structure and economic competitiveness, making the state more attractive to individuals and pass-through businesses .

8 min read
Tax Relief for Families in Europe 2021 countries provide tax relief for families vs single worker without children

Tax Relief for Families in Europe

Most countries provide tax relief to families with children—typically through targeted tax breaks that lower income taxes. While all European OECD countries provide tax relief for families, its extent varies substantially across countries.

2 min read
How Does Your State Treat Social Security Income Does Your State Tax Social Security Benefits Compare States that tax Social Security benefits

How Does Your State Treat Social Security Income?

Thirteen states tax Social Security benefits, a matter of significant interest to retirees. Each of these states has its own approach to determining what share of benefits is subject to tax, though these provisions can be grouped together into a few broad categories.

4 min read
Oklahoma tax bill Oklahoma tax legislation Oklahoma budget agreement signed by Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt income tax cuts

Oklahoma Passes Corporate and Individual Income Tax Reductions

Last Friday, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt (R) signed House Bills 2960, 2962, and 2963 into law as part of a budget agreement, bringing the legislature’s tax plans across the finish line. These bills will reduce the state’s corporate and individual income tax rates beginning in tax year 2022.

3 min read
intellectual property tax ip assets into the u.s r&d spending by the pharmaceutical industry CBO Report on R&D and Tax Policy in the Pharmaceutical Industry

CBO Report on R&D and Tax Policy in the Pharmaceutical Industry

In a new report, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analyzes federal policies that influence R&D spending in the pharmaceutical industry. The report highlights how taxes affect R&D investment incentives, underscoring the importance of structuring the tax code so that it is not biased against investment.

4 min read
Biden GILTI Biden global minimum tax Biden US global minimum taxBiden international tax Us corporate tax, US tax, corporate income tax, new investment

Two Important Issues that Must Be Resolved in “Global Tax Reform”

If the U.S. is suggesting a 15 percent effective rate as the minimum acceptable rate for a global agreement, then the tax bases of the various minimum taxes adopted as part of the agreement should be aligned to minimize complexities and unintended consequences.

5 min read
International Tax Reform Options, GILTI

Pleading GILTI: A Guide to the Complicated World of Global Intangible Low Tax Income

On this episode of The Deduction, we speak with Pam Olson, Tax Foundation Board Member and Consultant on Tax Policy Services at PwC, about the tax on Global Intangible Low Tax Income, or “GILTI.” In 2017, GILTI was implemented as a minimum tax designed to disincentivize U.S. companies from shifting profits overseas, but it doesn’t work how drafters intended, and now President Biden has proposed doubling it.