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State tax burden map, state and local tax burden, state-local tax burden rankings, 2021 state tax burden rankings, state tax burdens map

State and Local Tax Burdens, Calendar Year 2019

New Yorkers faced the highest burden, with 14.1 percent of income in the state going to state and local taxes. Connecticut (12.8 percent) and Hawaii (12.7 percent) followed.

19 min read
Bank Taxes in Europe 2021 Bank Tax, financial stability contributions, 2008 financial crisis tax

Bank Taxes in Europe

Today’s map shows which European OECD countries implemented financial stability contributions (FSCs), commonly referred to as “bank taxes.”

2 min read
State business inventory tax. Does your state tax business inventory? Are businesses tax on inventory? Explore state business tangible personal property tax as of July 1, 2020,taxes on business inventory, inventory taxes

Does Your State Tax Business Inventory?

Inventory taxes are levied regardless of whether a business makes a profit, adding to the burden of businesses already struggling to stay afloat.

2 min read
Total Covid relief (Total Covid-19 relief) in the US. Total unemployment insurance and total unemployment benefits, including total covid relief families. How much money has the US spent on covid-19 Comparing covid relief packages

U.S. COVID-19 Relief Provided More Than $60,000 in Benefits to Many Unemployed Families

During the pandemic, an unemployment family of four previously earning $60,000 will have received $50,840 in federal and state unemployment benefits from April 1, 2020 to September 6, 2021, plus $11,400 in stimulus payments, plus $7,200 in Child Tax Credit, totaling $69,440 in combined COVID-19 relief benefits.

4 min read