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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) US EU tax and trade policy why Congress should care about EU tax policy

In the Shadow of T-TIP: Why Congress Should Care About EU Tax and Trade Issues in 2023

The EU’s unilateral approach with carbon taxes, faster track on the global minimum tax, and threat of renewed efforts on DSTs means that U.S. policymakers face some hard choices. Policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic should keep in mind pro-growth tax and trade principles that promote a rules-based international order and increase opportunity.

7 min read
On New Year's Eve, the ball drops in New York City. Before New Year's Eve, compare champagne taxes in your state! New Year's 2020

New Year, New Taxes

Erica York, senior economist at the Tax Foundation, joins Jesse to discuss how the book minimum tax came to be, if it will really stop companies from paying zero in taxes, if the new Republican House will revisit this debate, and what the tax’s impact will be on jobs and economic growth.

The top 1 percent of taxpayers pay about 25 percent of all federal taxes US progressive tax code

CBO Analysis Finds Income Growth and Progressive Tax Code in 2019

Newly published data from the CBO indicates in 2019, before the onset of the pandemic, American incomes continued to rise as part of a broad economic expansion. It also shows that, contrary to common perceptions, the federal tax system is progressive.

4 min read

VAT Expansion and Labor Tax Cuts

Since VAT revenues are such a significant and stable contributor to overall government revenues, EU policymakers should pay particular attention to how efficiently those revenues are raised.

22 min read
2022 State Population Change 2022 state migration trends. Americans moving to low-tax states united van lines u-haul census data

Americans Moved to Low-Tax States in 2022

The pandemic has accelerated changes to the way we live and work, making it far easier for people to move—and they have. As states work to maintain their competitive advantage, they should pay attention to where people are moving, and try to understand why.

5 min read
2024 State Tax Resource Center

2024 State Tax Resource Center

Fifty states, 7,383 state legislators, and over 100,000 bills: legislative sessions are a whirlwind. But the Tax Foundation and its state experts are here to help make sense of the key tax policy issues in state capitols.

Taxes in Everything Die Hard Christmas Movie Edition Bearer Bonds

Taxes in Everything: Die Hard Edition

It’s Christmas time, and for millions of families around the country, that means revisiting some classic holiday movies. For some, that includes It’s a Wonderful Life and Home Alone. For others, that includes Die Hard.

3 min read
2023 State Tax Changes as of January 1, 2023, Comprehensive guide to 2020 tax changes and 2020 state tax changes

State Tax Changes Taking Effect January 1, 2023

Most of the 2023 state tax changes represent net tax reductions, the result of an unprecedented wave of rate reductions and other tax cuts in the past two years as states respond to burgeoning revenues, greater tax competition in an era of enhanced mobility, and the impact of high inflation on residents.

20 min read