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Digital tax debate, Digital taxes around the world, Digital economy taxes

Digital Taxation Around the World

The digitalization of the economy has been a key focus of tax debates in recent years. Our new report reviews digital tax policies around the world with a focus on OECD countries, explores the various flaws and benefits associated with the wide set of proposals, and provides recommendations for lawmakers to consider.

12 min read
Understanding the Tax Treatment of Inventory: The Role of LIFO

Options for Improving the Tax Treatment of Structures

Improving the tax treatment of structures is one of the most cost-effective tax policy changes available to lawmakers as they consider how to remove investment barriers in the tax code to hasten the economic recovery. Policymakers must weigh the trade-offs among long-run economic output goals, revenue constraints, and the existing stock of structures.

13 min read
State and local relief package, state and local government relief package amid coronavirus, business and government aid, coronavirus relief package, state revenue deficit, state budget deficit

Designing a State and Local Government Relief Package

The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic downturn will wreak havoc on state and local tax revenues, with projections of a 15-20 percent decline in state revenues. Our new report provides a framework for how to design an effective state and local relief package.

35 min read
payroll tax cut, payroll taxes

Can States Close Budget Deficits with Excise Tax Hikes?

We examine whether excise taxes are a solution to budget deficits, and while the short answer to that question is no, there are of course nuances. Excise taxes can play a role in state revenues even as policymakers appreciate that excise taxes are not viable long-term revenue tools for general spending priorities.

21 min read
Restructure child tax credi restructure earned income tax credit

The Child Tax Credit: Primer

The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a partially-refundable tax credit available to parents with qualifying dependents under the age of 17. Like other tax credits, the CTC reduces tax liability dollar-for-dollar of the value of the credit.

25 min read