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Blog Articles

6135 Results
Brexit, UK tax system, UK CFC rules, UK controlled foreign corporation, UK BEPS

How Controlled Foreign Corporation Rules Look Around the World: United Kingdom

The UK rules are designed to arrive at the most accurate definition of foreign income that should be taxed in the home country. These rules apply one of the most detailed approaches to solving the issue of taxing the right type and amount of foreign income. The method can be considered more effective, but the compliance implications and derived costs may be higher compared to those that are derived from the application of other methods.

7 min read
Transfer pricing regulations, transfer pricing anti-base erosion rules, transfer pricing BEPS, transfer pricing base erosion

The Impacts of Tightening up on Transfer Pricing

As with other anti-base erosion policies, transfer pricing regulations reveal the challenges of designing rules that address problems associated with various strategies businesses use to minimize their tax burdens. While countries may want to target specific abuses, the way the rules are designed can have real economic impacts on cross-border investment.

6 min read