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Property Taxes

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A Property Tax is a Wealth Tax, but…

Warren’s comparison between the property tax and her proposed wealth tax makes a good sales pitch. However, there are important differences between the taxes. By no means is the property tax in many jurisdictions perfect, but it is generally better structured than a wealth tax.

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Augusta Exemption: Rental Income & The Masters Tax Exemption Masters golf tournament, Masters tax exemption Augusta National Golf, A tradition unlike any other

A Tradition Unlike Any Other: The Masters Tax Exemption

Augusta National Golf Club is famous for more than green jackets and pimento cheese sandwiches—legend has it that it’s the impetus for one of the tax code’s many exemptions.

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South Carolina Tax Reform

South Carolina: A Road Map For Tax Reform

South Carolina is by no means a high tax state, though it can feel that way for certain taxpayers. The problems with South Carolina’s tax code come down to poor tax structure. Explore our new comprehensive guide to see how South Carolina can achieve meaningful tax reform.

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