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TaxEDU glossary

Lesson Plan: Not All Taxes Are Created Equal

In this lesson plan, students will discover why there are better and worse ways for governments to raise a dollar of revenue. Students will compare the economic impact of the three basic tax types—taxes on what you earn, buy, and own—including three specific taxes within each category, and learn about the basics of “dynamic scoring.”

need dynamic scoring importance of dynamic scoring, Joint Economic Committee

House Votes on the Inflation Reduction Act

The House of Representatives is set to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, the latest iteration of President Biden’s tax and climate agenda. Garrett Watson joins Jesse to discuss what sacrifices were made by key lawmakers to bring this bill to the finish line. They also look at what the economic impact of this proposal would be as the country continues to face historic rates of inflation.

Who pays taxes? A complete measure of federal state local tax burden and government transfers (fiscal incidence) finds a US progressive fiscal system.

Interesting Interest Rates

Interest rates and tax policy, two vital components of our economic landscape, often interact in fascinating ways. They influence the behavior of individuals, businesses, and governments. But how exactly?

TaxEDU glossary

Lesson Plan: Tax Basics

In this lesson plan, students will understand the basics of taxation and its impact on their daily lives, learn about their state tax system, and be able to compare it to other states in the U.S.

Cyber Monday, Post-Wayfair Edition, South Dakota v. Wayfair online sales tax

The Wayfair Sales Tax Ruling, Five Years Later

It’s the 5th anniversary of the groundbreaking Wayfair Supreme Court decision–a ruling that marked a new era of sales tax collection and changed how we think about taxation in the digital age.

Prohibition by price taxes and illicit trade china and cigarette taxes in the united states the deduciton podcast

Prohibition by Price

Step into the shadows of illicit trade where taxation, incentives, and criminal networks intersect to fuel the lucrative cigarette smuggling market.

The Inflation Reduction Act One Year Later

One year after its enactment, there are concerns about the Inflation Reduction Acts overall fiscal impact, the additional complexity it introduces to the tax system, and the sustainability of its initiatives.

TaxEDU glossary

Case Study: Cutting Corporate Taxes

The corporate income tax is levied by federal and state governments on business profits. State-level corporate income tax rates vary across the country. Learn about the effects of reduction and elimination of corporate income taxes and the economic result by comparing examples from North Carolina and Ohio

TaxEDU glossary

Lesson Plan: The Three Basic Tax Types

What are the three basic tax types in the American Tax Code? In this lesson plan, students will learn about taxes on what you earn, taxes on what you buy, and taxes on what you own. Learn how do these taxes fit together, how they impact government revenues and the economy, and where you may encounter them in your daily life.

TaxEDU glossary

Lesson Plan: Average vs. Marginal Tax Rates

In this lesson plan, students will know how average and marginal tax rates are calculated. Students will compare the two tax rates. Students will learn how marginal and average tax rates combine to impact the taxpayer and economy.