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On New Year's Eve, the ball drops in New York City. Before New Year's Eve, compare champagne taxes in your state! New Year's 2020

New Year, New Taxes

Erica York, senior economist at the Tax Foundation, joins Jesse to discuss how the book minimum tax came to be, if it will really stop companies from paying zero in taxes, if the new Republican House will revisit this debate, and what the tax’s impact will be on jobs and economic growth.

2023 local income taxes by state and municipality 2023 local income tax rates and local taxes or local income tax data by county

A Look at Local Income Taxes

Levied in thousands of cities, counties, school districts, and other localities, local income taxes are often used to either lower other taxes (like property taxes) or raise more revenue for local services. While they may make sense on paper, local income taxes come with more challenges than other local revenue sources.

Biden state of the union address 2023 tax proposals stock buybacks tax billionaire minimum tax expanded child tax credit

State of the Union Reaction 2023

President Biden shared his policy aspirations during the State of the Union address, outlining three tax proposals in his remarks: quadrupling the brand-new excise tax on stock buybacks, instituting a “billionaire minimum tax,” and extending the now-lapsed expanded Child Tax Credit. We discuss the prospects of major tax changes becoming law in a divided government and what these proposals signal about how President Biden thinks about tax policy as he enters the latter half of his first term.

GILTI: Foreign Tax, Local Impact

Since only U.S. businesses pay the GILTI tax, not foreign businesses, it makes U.S.-based brands less competitive abroad. Whatever its intentions, GILTI is a flawed policy, and doubling down on it will hurt us abroad, and at home.

Who bears the burden of the corporate income tax? Real impact of the corporate tax

Who Bears the Burden of the Corporate Income Tax?

Raising the corporate income tax is often promoted as a way to generate revenue for helpful government services. Unfortunately, higher corporate taxes typically hurt the very people they’re supposed to help through lost wages and fewer opportunities.

How do tax brackets work educational video on tax brackets explained

How Do Tax Brackets Work?

Understanding how tax brackets work can inform decisions about performing extra work through a second job or overtime, or pursuing new streams of income.

Green Rush: Principles for Taxing Cannabis

Taxing cannabis is brand-new territory. While many states see recreational cannabis as a potential gold mine for tax revenue, the reality of designing a new tax is more complicated.

Joe Biden Feb 2023

Biden’s 2024 Budget

The White House says this budget will reduce the deficit, strengthen Medicare, and will only target the well-off. But are those claims true? Erica York, senior economist, walks through the details with Jesse. They discuss what the economic impact of this budget would be and what parts stand a chance at actually becoming law.

What’s Missing from the Tax Burden Debate

When we discuss tax policy, the conversation inevitably turns to who pays, who should pay, and how much they should pay. Unfortunately, the tax burdens debate is often missing a key point: how income transfer programs—like Social Security or Medicaid—affect households’ tax burdens.