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Wealth Tax

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Net wealth taxes in europe, 2025 wealth taxes including France wealth tax and Spain wealth tax

Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2025

Wealth taxes not only collect little revenue and create legal uncertainty, but an OECD report argues that they can also disincentivize entrepreneurship, harming innovation and long-term growth.

5 min read
Taxes and the French Revolution

Taxes and the French Revolution

The French Revolution provides insight into the relationship between a government and its citizens and serves as a reminder that tax policy can have impacts (big and small) that last for centuries.

2025 State Tax Competitiveness Index

2025 State Tax Competitiveness Index

The State Tax Competitiveness Index enables policymakers, taxpayers, and business leaders to gauge how their states’ tax systems compare. While there are many ways to show how much state governments collect in taxes, the Index evaluates how well states structure their tax systems and provides a road map for improvement.

115 min read

A Big-Picture Look at Taxing the Wealthy

Taxing wealth has become a hot-button issue in today’s political discourse, promising to reshape economic equality. But what are the real-world implications of such policies?

The High Cost of Wealth Taxes

The High Cost of Wealth Taxes

Many developed countries have repealed their wealth taxes in recent years for a variety of reasons. They raise little revenue, create high administrative costs, and induce an outflow of wealthy individuals and their money. Many policymakers have also recognized that high taxes on capital and wealth damage economic growth.

30 min read
Moore Supreme Court tax case wealth tax

Supreme Court Rules against Moores 7-2, Leaves Most Questions Undecided

The government won in Moore. However, given the narrow opinion of the court and the reasoning in the Barrett concurrence and the Thomas dissent, it seems likely that future rulings under other facts and circumstances could favor taxpayers instead.

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2024 wealth taxes in Europe compare wealth taxes by country

Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2024

Only three European countries levy a net wealth tax—Norway, Spain, and Switzerland. France and Italy levy wealth taxes on selected assets.

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Jeff Bezos Move Undercuts Proposed Washington State Wealth Tax

Jeff Bezos’s Move Undercuts Proposed Washington State Wealth Tax

Whether tax savings motivated his move or not, the implications for Washington are very real, and serve to illustrate just how dangerous it can be to design tax systems that rely so overwhelmingly on a very small number of taxpayers choosing to stay put.

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Details and analysis of European Tax Trends and European Tax Reforms

Tax Trends in European Countries

In recent years, European countries have undertaken a series of tax reforms designed to maintain tax revenue levels while protecting households and businesses from high inflation.

8 min read
EU wealth tax discussion and debate EU wealth tax proposal 2023

The Wealth Tax Discussion Is Back

Given that wealth taxes collect little revenue and have the potential to disincentivize entrepreneurship and investment, perhaps European countries should repeal them rather than implement one across the continent.

4 min read
New wealth taxes in Europe 2023 European countries with a new wealth tax

Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2023

Instead of reforming and hiking the wealth tax, perhaps policymakers should consider whether the tax is serving its intended objectives, and, if not, consider repealing the tax altogether.

4 min read
2023 spain tax reform and spain tax policy including Spain wealth tax and Spain windfall tax policies

Spain Is Doubling Down on Poor Tax Policy

Spain should follow the examples of Italy and the UK and enact tax reforms that have the potential to stimulate economic activity by supporting private investment while increasing its international tax competitiveness.

7 min read