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latest state tax trends and state tax cuts include responsible state income tax relief in 2024

There’s Still Room for Responsible State Income Tax Relief in 2023

Forty-three states adopted tax relief in 2021 or 2022—often in both years—and of those, 21 cut state income tax rates. It’s been a remarkable trend, driven by robust state revenues and an increasingly competitive tax environment.

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A Tale of Two Tax Plans in the United Kingdom

History is clear. Lowering budget deficits via spending restraint frees resources for additional private output and jobs. Lowering them by raising taxes on business investment and labor services makes it harder to dis-inflate without a recession.

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Alaska income tax reforms and Alaska tax reform options

Economic Implications of an Alaska Income Tax or Its Alternatives

Alaska policymakers are understandably concerned about the long-term viability of the state’s overwhelming reliance on the oil and gas industry for revenue, but the state’s unique economy and geography, and low population density make some of the “traditional” taxes less efficient than they might be elsewhere.

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Real bracket creep and TCJA expirations won't keep pace with federal spending CBO long-term budget outlook federal deficit

3 Observations on the CBO Long-Term Budget Outlook

The latest CBO long-term budget outlook paints a troubling picture of fiscal irresponsibility. Rather than halt this rampant spending, Congress is actively adding programs that will exacerbate these long-term trends.

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Kansas tax cuts what about kansas tax experiment (kansas experiment about brownback tax cuts)

Two Dozen States Show Why the Kansas Critique of Income Tax Cuts Is Mistaken

The Kansas experience is so infamous that “what about Kansas?” is almost guaranteed to be a question—sometimes as a retort, but often a genuine expression of concern—any time any state explores tax relief. But what about the other two dozen states that have cut their income taxes since then?

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Mississippi income tax reduction options. Mississippi income tax repeal Governor Tate Reeves budget proposal

Mississippians Would Benefit from Sustainable Income Tax Reduction

Mississippi lawmakers should deliver tax relief in 2022, but they need not take an all-or-nothing approach. There are many ways to improve the state’s tax code, even if full income tax repeal doesn’t remain on the table.

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universal basic income ubi andrew yang, means-tested transfers

Corporate Tax Revenue Hit an All-Time High in 2021

This year’s robust corporate tax collections calls into question efforts by the administration and congressional Democrats to increase the corporate tax rate and raise other corporate taxes based on claims of relatively low tax collections following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017.

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2019 local income taxes 2019, local income tax rates

Federal Plastics Tax Is Not a Good Revenue Raiser

One of the Senate’s proposals to pay for the Build Back Better Act is a federal excise tax on virgin plastics, which are plastics that are not reprocessed or recovered.

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Carbon Tax: Weighing the Options for Financing Reconciliation

A carbon tax would be a less economically harmful pay-for than either personal or corporate income tax hikes and a more efficient way to reduce carbon emissions than green energy tax credits, but would come with other trade-offs.

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American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Covid relief federal economic relief package, Biden stimulus $1,400 payments or stimulus checks COVID-19 tax resource center. coronavirus tax policy and the coronavirus (covid-19)

Federal Judge Rules Against ARPA’s Tax Mandate

Kentucky and Tennessee won an important legal victory Friday when a federal court ruled that the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)’s restrictions on state fiscal autonomy were unconstitutional and enjoined (blocked) the enforcement of those provisions against both states.

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universal basic income ubi andrew yang, means-tested transfers

States Respond to Strong Fiscal Health with Income Tax Reforms

As states close their books for fiscal year 2021, many have much more revenue on hand than they anticipated last year. Eleven states have responded by reducing income tax rates and making related structural reforms as they strive to solidify a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive national landscape.

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