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Pass-Through Businesses

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Biden corporations More Business Income Is Reported on Individual Tax Returns Than Corporate Returns

Reviewing Effective Tax Rates Faced by Corporate Income

Economists have proposed taxing corporate income more uniformly through corporate integration, which can be done in a variety of ways. Biden’s plan goes in the opposite direction by making worse the double taxation of corporate income.

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Taxing Times: One Virginia Brewer's Experience During COVID-19

We sat down with the owners of Black Narrows Brewing Company, a family-owned craft brewery situated in a small island-town on Virginia’s scenic Eastern Shore, to discuss the challenges they face as a small business during COVID-19 and what they would like to see legislators do to reduce short- and long-term barriers for entrepreneurs.

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Three-Fourths of New 2016 Investment Was Excluded from Improved Cost Recovery

New data sheds light on what share of new business investment was eligible for bonus depreciation as it existed before 2017 tax reform, and what share of new investment was excluded from improved cost recovery. This matters because the income tax is biased against investment in capital assets to the extent that it makes the investor wait years or decades to claim the cost of machines, equipment, or factories on their tax returns.

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Improving the Federal Tax System for Gig Economy Participants

Advances in technology have enabled workers to connect with customers via online platform applications for work ranging from ridesharing to home repair services. The rise of gig economy work has reduced barriers to self-employment, bringing tax challenges like tax complexity and taxpayer noncompliance.

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A Preliminary Look at 2018 Tax Data

Initial 2018 IRS tax return data shows that the TCJA expanded the use of several credits and deductions, made the standard deduction more favorable than itemizing, reduced tax refunds, and lowered taxes for most Americans.

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Business taxes, business tax, consumer, shareholders,, economic progress

Business in America

Who are the workers, consumers, and shareholders who interact with businesses in the U.S.? What forms do these businesses take? How do business taxes impact people’s lives? It is essential we answer these questions in order to design a business tax system that is simple, efficient, and enables economic progress.

5 min read
In some states, pass-through businesses face marginal tax rates over 40 percent, pass-through business federal and state tax rate, pass-through business tax, pass-through businesses, private sector employment

Marginal Tax Rates for Pass-through Businesses Vary by State

Pass-through businesses are now the dominant business form in the U.S., making up more than half of the private sector workforce in every state. Federal taxes on income set a minimum tax rate for pass throughs, but marginal rates for pass throughs vary based on how states tax individual income.

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High-income taxpayers earn the majority of pass-through income pass-through business pass-through businesses

Pass-Through Businesses Q&A

Pass-through businesses are the dominant business structure in America. Pass throughs file more tax returns and report more business income than C corporations. Pass-through businesses are not subject to the corporate income tax, but instead report their income on the individual income tax returns of owners. This blog will address some frequently asked questions about pass-through structure and taxation.

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Less than one percent of businesses employ almost half of the private sector workforce, business employment, employment and taxes

Firm Variation by Employment and Taxes

Less than one percent of businesses employ almost half of the private sector workforce. Large companies pay 89% of corporate income taxes in the United States.

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more business income is reported on individual tax returns than corporate returns, pass-through business income, business tax returns, corporate tax returns

Corporate and Pass-through Business Income and Returns Since 1980

More business income is reported on individual tax returns than corporate returns. The U.S. now has fewer corporations and more individually owned businesses. Corporations make up less than 5 percent of businesses but earn 60 percent of revenues.

3 min read