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Pass-Through Businesses

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Reforming the Pass-Through Deduction

Here’s how the new pass-through deduction works and how it can be reformed to be less complex, less prone to abuse, more neutral, and more economically efficient.

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Illinois income tax pass-through

Will Illinois Double Down on High Taxes?

Amending the Illinois constitution and adopting a graduated-rate income tax cannot solve the state’s fundamental problems. Instead, it doubles down on an already uncompetitive tax code.

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Grain Glitch

The ‘Grain Glitch’ Needs to Be Fixed

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act tax preference for farm co-ops would distort agricultural activity and create tax planning opportunities for wealthy taxpayers.

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Individual Income Tax Conformity by State

Pass-Through Deduction Won’t Flow Through to Most States

For policymakers in most states, the fact that the pass-through deduction doesn’t affect AGI should come as a relief. For those in the six states which use federal taxable income as their starting point for conformity, decoupling from the provision is an entirely viable option.

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small business pass-through tax

Small Pass-Through Businesses Would See Some Benefits Under the House Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Even with large changes, many in the pass-through community are arguing that small pass-throughs don’t benefit since most or all of their taxable income falls below the 25 percent maximum rate. While correct on the small point, advocates miss the greater tax reform picture. Small pass-through businesses would still benefit from a number of other changes.

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