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Nonprofit Organizations

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Reducing spending in the tax code tax expenditures could help pay or raise trillions for 2025 tax reform

Cleaning Up the Tax Code Could Raise Trillions for Tax Reform

As Republicans look for ways to offset the budgetary cost of extending the expiring provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and potentially enacting other tax cuts, the latest estimates indicate several trillion dollars could be raised by reducing tax credits and other preferences in the tax code.

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10 Less Harmful Ways of Raising Federal Revenues

10 Less Harmful Ways of Raising Federal Revenues

If lawmakers are convinced that new revenues must be part of any long-term effort to solve the budget crisis or offset the cost of extending the TCJA, they must choose the least harmful ways of raising new revenues or else risk undermining their efforts by slowing economic growth.

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Reigning in America's $3.3 trillion tax-exempt economy of 501c3 nonprofit tax form laws

Reining in America’s $3.3 Trillion Tax-Exempt Economy

For over a century, lawmakers have exempted politically favored organizations and industries from the tax code. As a result, the tax-exempt nonprofit economy now comprises 15 percent of GDP, roughly equal to the fifth-largest economy in the world.

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Nonprofits are Financially Healthy and Doing Big Business Nonprofit Hospitals and Universities Untaxed Income

Nonprofits are Financially Healthy and Doing Big Business

Can an organization rightfully be called a “nonprofit” if it almost always makes money? And what if most of that organization’s income comes from “business income,” should it legitimately be considered a “charity”?

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College sports tax exemption and tax-free college sports discussions

The Big Business of Tax-Free College Sports

Moving from one athletic conference to another can mean millions in additional revenue sharing from lucrative broadcasting contracts and other revenue streams, all tax-free.

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tax university endowments or tax college endowments analysis of university endowment tax

Should We Tax University Endowments?

Taxing university endowments has gained popularity recently, partly in response to the Biden administration’s forgiveness of student loan debt. Some view it as a means of holding universities accountable for the product they’re selling. Others view it as a tool to tamp down tuition rates or punish ideological opponents. But do these arguments hold water and is an endowment tax sound policy?

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Church taxes, tax churches, what if we taxed churches? #Taxthechurches, tax treatment of churches in the US. If taxes paid taxes, taxing churches

What If We Taxed Churches?

Whether spurred by a belief that government is improperly favoring religious institutions, an antipathy to wealthy celebrity pastors, or a hope that taxing houses of worship could bring down personal tax bills, the taxation of religious bodies is hotly debated online, but barely on the radar of actual elected officials. But is that true? How much, if any, tax revenue is forgone, and what do the policies look like? 

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