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COVID-19 (coronavirus) Pandemic Tax Policies

As the U.S. federal, state, and local governments, as well as countries around the world, continue to implement measures to support their economies amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, our experts are providing trusted analysis of the latest coronavirus tax developments to better inform policymakers, journalists, and taxpayers.

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GAO Report Reveals Need to Simplify Next Round of Rebates

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Why Neutral Cost Recovery Is Good for Workers

Studies have shown that accelerated depreciation helps increase wage growth. A recent report found that states that implemented accelerated depreciation in their tax codes led to a 2.5 percent increase in compensation per employee in manufacturing, relative to states that did not.

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Full Expensing is Good for the Short Run and the Long Run

In the first year of enactment alone, we estimate the combination of full expensing and neutral cost recovery would increase full-time equivalent employment by more than 44,000 jobs. The cumulative impact by year five of the policy would be nearly 200,000 new jobs.

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CARES Act Conformity Would Promote Economic Recovery in Nebraska

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