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Build Back Better (BBB) Act

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Where Does Kamala Harris Stand on Taxes?

Where Does Kamala Harris Stand on Taxes?

While both President Biden and Vice President Harris aim their proposed tax hikes on businesses and high earners, key differences between their tax ideas in the past reveal where Harris may take her tax policy platform in the 2024 campaign.

6 min read
Junk fees ban from the FTC Biden tax hike proposals live on Build Back Better Inflation Reduction Act Biden tax rates

Tax Hike Proposals Live on Despite Being Dropped in the Inflation Reduction Act

President Biden proposed a 7-point hike in the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, a new minimum book tax on corporate profits, and higher taxes on international activity. We estimated these proposals would reduce the size of the economy (GDP) by 1.6 percent over the long run and eliminate 542,000 jobs.

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need dynamic scoring importance of dynamic scoring, Joint Economic Committee

House Votes on the Inflation Reduction Act

The House of Representatives is set to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, the latest iteration of President Biden’s tax and climate agenda. Garrett Watson joins Jesse to discuss what sacrifices were made by key lawmakers to bring this bill to the finish line. They also look at what the economic impact of this proposal would be as the country continues to face historic rates of inflation.

corporate alternative minimum tax corporate amt or corporate minimum tax build back better additional relief for coronavirus, additional stimulus payments

It Would Be a Mistake to Resurrect Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax

The Inflation Reduction Act may be smaller than the proposed Build Back Better legislation from 2021, but both sets of legislation propose a reintroduced corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT). The 30-year experience with a corporate AMT shows it is not a good solution.

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Inflation Reduction Act minimum tax or Inflation Reduction Act corporate minimum tax Biden OECD tax proposals hurt FDI Ways and Means proposal profit shifting, federal corporate income tax liabilities under Ways and Means profit shifting proposal

How Does the Inflation Reduction Act Minimum Tax Compare to Global Minimum Tax?

Over the course of the last year, it has become clear that Democratic lawmakers want to change U.S. tax rules for large companies. However, as proposals have been debated in recent months, there are have been clear divides between U.S. proposals and the global minimum tax rules.

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Inflation Reduction Act minimum tax or Inflation Reduction Act corporate minimum tax Biden OECD tax proposals hurt FDI Ways and Means proposal profit shifting, federal corporate income tax liabilities under Ways and Means profit shifting proposal

Biden and OECD Tax Proposals Would Hurt FDI

Academic research indicates foreign direct investment (FDI) is highly responsive to the corporate effective tax rate (ETRs); that is, the tax rate after accounting for all deduction and credits available to corporations.

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Biden corporate minimum tax global tax deal international tax corporate tax corporate global minimum tax proposal

4 Things to Know About the Global Tax Debate

The Biden administration has been supportive of the negotiations, but the changes should be reviewed in the context of recent policy changes in the U.S. and elsewhere, the general landscape of business taxation in the U.S., and potential challenges and risks arising from the global tax deal.

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Biden global minimum tax OECD Pillar Two Blueprint Biden international tax proposal GILTI cross-border investment profit shifting base erosion rules G7 tax and G7 global minimum tax deal. Some questions for global tax reform proposals and negotiations US

Which Global Minimum Tax Will We Get?

Over the course of the last year, it has become clear that Democratic lawmakers want to change U.S. international tax rules. However, as proposals have been debated in recent months, there are clear divides between U.S. proposals and the global minimum tax rules.

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