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Maryland digital advertising taxes Maryland digital tax

Maryland Court Strikes a Blow to Digital Advertising Taxes

The first-in-the-nation digital advertising tax was recently struck down by a Maryland circuit court on three separate grounds. Other states might want to avoid getting themselves into this situation in the first place.

5 min read
Latest IRS data of federal estate tax returns and federal real estate taxes

Putting a Face on America’s Estate Tax Returns

While supporters of the federal estate tax may be correct that only a fraction of estate tax returns eventually pays the estate tax, IRS data shows that it disproportionately impacts estates tied to successful privately owned businesses. Thus, it acts as a second or third layer of federal tax on these successful businesses over the owners’ lifetime.

9 min read
Wisconsin flat tax analysis of Wisconsin flat income tax proposal

A Flat Tax in Wisconsin Can Deliver Tax Relief for Everyone

With increases to the standard deduction, a flat tax could provide a net tax cut to taxpayers of all income levels, providing both short-term and long-term relief to taxpayers across the income spectrum. It would also simplify the tax code in ways that encourage greater investment and economic growth, particularly by ensuring that the marginal rate on small business investment is competitive with peer states.

4 min read