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depreciation Capital allowances and capital cost recovery across OECD countries, 2021. Learn more about capital allowance and capital recovery.

Capital Cost Recovery across the OECD, 2021

The ongoing pandemic has once again highlighted the importance of investment. To address the economic fallout of the pandemic, several OECD countries have temporarily accelerated depreciation schedules for various assets.

31 min read
2021 state capital stock tax, 2021 state franchise tax, 2021 state capital stock taxes and state franchise taxes. Which states have a capital stock tax or franchise tax

Does Your State Levy a Capital Stock Tax?

Capital stock taxes are imposed on a business’s net worth (or accumulated wealth). As such, the tax tends to penalize investment and requires businesses to pay regardless of whether they make a profit in a given year, or ever.

4 min read
State tax burden map, state and local tax burden, state-local tax burden rankings, 2021 state tax burden rankings, state tax burdens map

State and Local Tax Burdens, Calendar Year 2019

New Yorkers faced the highest burden, with 14.1 percent of income in the state going to state and local taxes. Connecticut (12.8 percent) and Hawaii (12.7 percent) followed.

19 min read
Bank Taxes in Europe 2021 Bank Tax, financial stability contributions, 2008 financial crisis tax

Bank Taxes in Europe

Today’s map shows which European OECD countries implemented financial stability contributions (FSCs), commonly referred to as “bank taxes.”

2 min read
State business inventory tax. Does your state tax business inventory? Are businesses tax on inventory? Explore state business tangible personal property tax as of July 1, 2020,taxes on business inventory, inventory taxes

Does Your State Tax Business Inventory?

Inventory taxes are levied regardless of whether a business makes a profit, adding to the burden of businesses already struggling to stay afloat.

2 min read
Property taxes in Europe 2021 reliance on property tax revenue in Europe, 2021 property tax rates in Europe

Reliance on Property Taxes in Europe

Property taxes are levied on the assets of an individual or business. There are different types of property taxes, with recurrent taxes on immovable property (such as property taxes on land and buildings) the only ones levied by all countries covered. Other types of property taxes include estate, inheritance, and gift taxes, net wealth taxes, and taxes on financial and capital transactions.

1 min read
Gross Receipts Taxes 2021 State Gross Receipts Tax Rates Which States Have a Gross Receipts Tax What States Charge Gross Receipts Tax Texas Gross Receipts Tax

Gross Receipts Taxes by State, 2021

Moving away from state gross receipts taxes would represent a pro-growth change to make the tax code friendlier to businesses and consumers alike, which is especially necessary in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

3 min read
Consumption taxes in Europe, reliance on consumption taxes in Europe, reliance on consumption tax revenue in Europe, taxes on goods and services in Europe

Reliance on Consumption Taxes in Europe

Hungary relies the most on consumption tax revenue, at 45.3 percent of total tax revenue, followed by Latvia and Estonia at 45.1 percent and 42.4 percent, respectively.

2 min read