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Bonus Depreciation Helps Disadvantaged Workers, Study Finds. Low-skilled, black women, hispanic women, and young workers

Bonus Depreciation Helps Disadvantaged Workers, Study Finds

Low-skilled workers have been the hardest hit by the pandemic-induced economic slowdown. When deciding on bonus depreciation, which is currently set to expire in 2026, policymakers should remember that disadvantaged workers would be the most likely to benefit from making it permanent.

2 min read
Ohio commercial activity tax, Ohio gross receipts tax, Ohio business tax reform

Ohio’s CAT Is Out of the Bag

Coming out of the pandemic, the state of Ohio is estimating significant tax revenue growth, and some lawmakers are looking to take advantage and repeal the Commercial Activity Tax (CAT), one of only a few gross receipts taxes still levied in the country.

7 min read
Mississippi income tax reduction options. Mississippi income tax repeal Governor Tate Reeves budget proposal

Mississippians Would Benefit from Sustainable Income Tax Reduction

Mississippi lawmakers should deliver tax relief in 2022, but they need not take an all-or-nothing approach. There are many ways to improve the state’s tax code, even if full income tax repeal doesn’t remain on the table.

6 min read
Digital tax Europe Digital taxes in Europe Digital services taxes in Europe 2021 Pillar 1 global tax agreement

Digital Services Taxes in Europe, 2021

Despite ongoing multilateral negotiations in the OECD, about half of all European OECD countries have either announced, proposed, or implemented their own unilateral digital services tax.

7 min read
2022 state tax changes effective January 1, 2022 child tax credit changes and child tax credit reform options 2021 state tax changes July 1 2021 US business tax collections remained close to historical norm in 2018. US business tax revenue and taxes paid by pass-through firms

Business Tax Collections Within Historical Norm After Accounting for Pass-through Business Taxes

When looking at the tax burden on businesses over time, it is important to provide a complete picture by accounting for the different types of businesses in the U.S. and the timing effects of the 2017 tax law. Doing so provides important context on existing tax burdens and for considering the impact of raising taxes on corporations and pass-through firms.

3 min read
2021 Individual Income Tax Systems in Europe Comparing Income Tax Systems in Europe 2021 worst income tax systems in Europe

Comparing Europe’s Tax Systems: Individual Taxes

France’s individual income tax system is the least competitive of all OECD countries. It takes French businesses on average 80 hours annually to comply with the income tax.

3 min read
Biden tax plan and analysis of Biden taxes Biden minimum tax on billionaires unrealized capital gains tax Biden tax proposals Biden taxes Biden tax plan Build Back Better inflation tax Biden inflation tax Top Tax Rate on Personal Income Would Be Highest in OECD under New Build Back Better Framework

How Will Build Back Better Impact Inflation?

The persistently high inflation in recent months has made some lawmakers question the need for additional deficit spending, In the short term, the Build Back Better Act would likely contribute to inflation, but the magnitude of that contribution is unclear.

3 min read