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Tax proposals in 2022 Norway budget. See Norway tax proposals in Norway budget 2022

Norway’s New Budget Adds Unnecessary Complexity

Norway’s proposed reductions in income tax have the potential to increase disposable income for workers that can potentially raise consumption and contribute to economic growth. However, the increase of the wealth and indirect taxes is likely to step up the complexity of the tax system and create additional distortions.

3 min read
Build Back Better taxes 5G competition next generation wireless technology minimum tax on book income

How Do Build Back Better Taxes Affect 5G Competition?

One unintended consequence of the tax proposals in the Build Back Better Act is a higher potential burden on wireless spectrum investments, which could slow the build out of 5G technology as the U.S. races to compete with other countries—moving in the opposite direction of countries like China that are actively subsidizing 5G expansion.

5 min read
Schumer marijuana bill recreational marijuana tax revenue by state

Republican Cannabis Bill Would Tax by Category

Rep. Mace (R-SC)’s States Reform Act would deschedule, regulate, and tax cannabis products with a novel federal excise tax design—based on quantities and predefined categories, not dissimilar from how the federal government taxes alcohol and tobacco.

7 min read

Taxing Decisions, 2021: Minisode 3 Revenge of the SALT

Infrastructure has made its way across the finish line, but the tax debate is far from over on Capitol Hill. Senior policy analyst Garrett Watson joins host Jesse Solis to walk us through the latest iteration of Democrats’ trillion-dollar reconciliation package and the myriad tax changes that are being proposed to finance this deal.

2022 tax brackets, 2022 income tax rates and brackets, 2022 federal income tax rates and brackets IRS inflation adjusted Tax Foundation 2022-2023 tax brackets

2022 Tax Brackets

The IRS recently released the new inflation adjusted 2022 tax brackets and rates. Explore updated credits, deductions, and exemptions, including the standard deduction & personal exemption, Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), capital gains brackets, qualified business income deduction (199A), and the annual exclusion for gifts.

5 min read
Maryland digital advertising tax litigation internet tax, Maryland digital ad tax, Maryland tax increases and Maryland tax proposals 2021

Tax Foundation Comments on Maryland’s Digital Advertising Tax Regulations

While it is not within the purview of the Comptroller’s office to reject a legislatively-approved tax no matter how poor—or constitutionally infirm—the underlying policy, the regulations fairly to fully resolve several important issues raised by the bill, while potentially creating additional legal infirmities in the regulation’s approach to apportionment.

10 min read