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Comparing Property Tax Systems in Europe, 2021 Comparing Europes Tax Systems Property Tax Systems Best and Worst Property Tax Systems

Comparing Europe’s Tax Systems: Property Taxes

According to the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, Switzerland has the best-structured consumption tax among OECD countries while Poland has the worst-structured consumption tax code.

2 min read
2022 State Business Tax Climate Index 2022 State Tax Rankings and 2022 State Business Rankings

2022 State Business Tax Climate Index

While there are many ways to show how much is collected in taxes by state governments, our State Business Tax Climate Index is designed to show how well states structure their tax systems and provides a road map for improvement.

169 min read
Spain tax reform committee Spain Eurozone taxes Spain start-up law tax proposal investors entrepreneurs Spain startup law tax plan

Patching Spain’s Tax Code Won’t Attract Investors

Spain should follow the example of Madrid, the country’s most competitive region. A more efficient income tax system is a better objective than just focusing on incentives for foreigners to change their tax residence.

5 min read
Ways & means tax proposal seeks to combat extraterritorial taxes and discriminatory taxes Global minimum tax revenue OECD Pillar Two revenue OECD impact assessment OECD Pillar One tax Pillar one amount a Biden interest limitation Biden interest deduction rule Biden interest expense limitation Business interest expense limitation Democrat Senate international tax overhaul discussion draft legislation (Wyden Brown Warner international tax overhaul) or Sen Wyden international tax plan,

The Interest Limitation Pile-On

As Congress contemplates adding a new worldwide interest limitation rule as part of the House Build Back Better Act, it is useful to consider the potential effects of this proposal as well as whether it is necessary to add this on top of the U.S.’s existing restrictions on the value of interest deductions.

8 min read
Arkansas income tax cuts Arkansas tax reform Arkansas income tax reform Arkansas income tax cuts 2021 Arkansas remote work Arkansas convenience rule Arkansas Senate Bill 484 Tax Foundation testimony Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Looks to Eliminate Income Tax, Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin proposal to eliminate Arkansas income tax

Arkansas’s Sustainable Tax Reform: A Gift That Will Keep On Giving

Faced not only with immediate surpluses but with the expectation of sustained revenue growth in coming years, Arkansas policymakers have chosen to return some of the additional revenue to taxpayers in the form of individual and corporate income tax rate reductions, with additional rate cuts if future revenues permit.

6 min read
FairTax consumption taxes versus income taxes taxing criminals economics lesson plan flat tax definition flat income tax system Biden minimum tax, Biden corporate tax rate increase Biden corporate income tax, Biden book minimum tax Build Back Better reconciliation tax plan

Book Minimum Tax versus Corporate Rate Increase: Pick Your Poison

While the book minimum tax is smaller in scale than the proposed original corporate rate increases, it would introduce more complexity, inefficiency, and problems at the industry- and sector-levels that a corporate rate increase would not. Neither option is an optimal way to raise new tax revenues.

4 min read