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Green Rush: Principles for Taxing Cannabis

Taxing cannabis is brand-new territory. While many states see recreational cannabis as a potential gold mine for tax revenue, the reality of designing a new tax is more complicated.

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The FairTax?

The FairTax, on paper, sounds simple. But when you pull back the curtains, this proposal leads to more questions than answers.

New wealth taxes in Europe 2023 European countries with a new wealth tax

Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2023

Instead of reforming and hiking the wealth tax, perhaps policymakers should consider whether the tax is serving its intended objectives, and, if not, consider repealing the tax altogether.

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Details and Analysis of Canceling the Scheduled Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Business Tax Increases and tax changes including expirations

Does the Optimal Tax System Exist?

While research on optimal taxation often focuses on the pure economic implications, it rarely considers cultural and societal differences that can lead to very different outcomes when trying to implement an optimal tax system.

3 min read