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Sources of personal income tax return data as of 2024 Tax Foundation

Sources of Personal Income, Tax Year 2021

Reviewing reported income helps to understand the composition of the federal government’s revenue base and how Americans earn their taxable income. The individual income tax, the federal government’s largest source of revenue, is largely a tax on labor.

9 min read
Biden tariffs and Trump tariffs tracking the economic impact of US imposed tariffs

Tariff Tracker: Tracking the Economic Impact of the Trump-Biden Tariffs

The Trump administration imposed nearly $80 billion worth of new taxes on Americans by levying tariffs on thousands of products in 2018 and 2019, amounting to one of the largest tax increases in decades. The Biden administration has kept most of the Trump administration tariffs in place

19 min read

A Big-Picture Look at Taxing the Wealthy

Taxing wealth has become a hot-button issue in today’s political discourse, promising to reshape economic equality. But what are the real-world implications of such policies?

The High Cost of Wealth Taxes

The High Cost of Wealth Taxes

Many developed countries have repealed their wealth taxes in recent years for a variety of reasons. They raise little revenue, create high administrative costs, and induce an outflow of wealthy individuals and their money. Many policymakers have also recognized that high taxes on capital and wealth damage economic growth.

30 min read
UK full expensing and UK capital allowances tax reform and priorities

Understanding Full Expensing in the United Kingdom

Given the positive contribution of full expensing to economic growth and that the UK already incurred the peak-year costs due to the existing policy, it is imperative to maintain it permanently.

5 min read
Portland tax rates and complexity Portland Oregon income tax rates

Portland’s Weirdly High Taxes

Portland residents face some of the country’s highest taxes on just about every class of income. In an era of dramatically increased mobility for individuals and businesses alike, that’s not a recipe for success. 

11 min read
vaping taxes by states, 2024 State Vape Tax Rates Compare State Vapor Tax Rates and State Vaping Tax Rates

Vaping Taxes by State, 2024

The vaping industry has grown rapidly in recent decades, becoming a well-established product category and a viable alternative to cigarettes for those trying to quit smoking. US states levy a variety of tax structures on vaping products.

4 min read