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Arizona tax reform, Arizona income tax reform, Arizona budget tax package Arizona tax plan signed by Gov. Ducey tax

What’s in Arizona’s Tax Reform Package?

After weeks of deliberations, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law a budget for fiscal year (FY) 2022 that reduces the state’s individual income tax rates and consolidates brackets, a plan that will help restore Arizona’s reputation as a low-tax alternative to California.

7 min read
Tax Foundation jobs Build Back Better Act: Details & Analysis of the House Ways and Means Committee Tax Proposals Reconciliation Bill Tax, Biden taxes, Biden tax plan, Biden tax increases upcoming tax changes and upcoming federal tax changes ALIGN Act american innovation and jobs act Permanently Preserving America’s Investment in Manufacturing Act

Policymakers Offer Proposals to Fix Three Upcoming Tax Changes

Three upcoming tax law changes scheduled by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) to help offset its revenue losses would be canceled by proposed legislation that would prevent the tax treatment of investment from worsening over the coming years.

4 min read
VAT Exemption Thresholds in Europe 2021

VAT Exemption Thresholds in Europe

To reduce tax compliance and administrative costs, most countries have VAT exemption thresholds: If a business is below a certain annual revenue threshold, it is not required to participate in the VAT system.

2 min read
2021 state beer excise tax rates. Compare 2021 state beer taxes (2021 state beer tax rates)

Beer Taxes by State, 2021

2021 state beer excise tax rates vary widely: as low as $0.02 per gallon in Wyoming and as high as $1.29 per gallon in Tennessee. Missouri and Wisconsin tie for second lowest at $0.06 per gallon, and Alaska is second highest with its $1.07 per gallon tax.

3 min read