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Understanding Why Full Expensing Matters, Full expensing is also known as accelerated depreciation of capital investments, Learn more about accelerated cost recovery of investments.

The U.S. Tax Burden on Labor, 2020

Although the U.S. has a progressive tax system and a relatively low tax burden compared to the OECD average, average-wage workers still pay about 30 percent of their wages in taxes.

15 min read
2020 state individual income tax reliance 2020 state income tax reliance

To What Extent Does Your State Rely on Individual Income Taxes?

While the current crisis has caused consumption to drop dramatically, it is generally true that income taxes are more volatile than consumption taxes in an economic downturn and income taxes tend to be more harmful to economic growth than consumption taxes and property taxes.

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Who Shoulders the Burden of Federal Income Taxes? high-income earners, high-income taxpayers, progressive tax system, federal income tax, income inequality, wealth tax

Under the HEROES Act, State Budgets Could Soar as the Economy Suffers

The HEROES Act, proposed by House Democrats as a next round of fiscal relief during the coronavirus outbreak, contains about $1.08 trillion in aid to states and localities. That would bring the pandemic total to $1.63 trillion—an amount so large that it might overwhelm their ability to spend it and could reward fiscal irresponsibility.

8 min read
Tax Burden on Labor in the OECD, France Tax burden on labor, Spain tax burden on labor, Greece tax burden on labor, UK tax burden on labor, Austria tax burden on labor

A Comparison of the Tax Burden on Labor in the OECD, 2020

A higher tax burden on labor often leads to lower employment rates and wages. That’s important for policymakers to remember as they look for ways to help their economies recover from coronavirus-induced shutdowns. If their goal is to encourage employment, policies that lower the tax burden on labor could prove a powerful tool.

20 min read
State and local relief package, state and local government relief package amid coronavirus, business and government aid, coronavirus relief package, state revenue deficit, state budget deficit

Designing a State and Local Government Relief Package

The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic downturn will wreak havoc on state and local tax revenues, with projections of a 15-20 percent decline in state revenues. Our new report provides a framework for how to design an effective state and local relief package.

35 min read
LIFO tax treatment of inventory LIFO repeal US supply chain resiliency Biden small business taxes Biden tax plan small business impact Investments in long-lived assets, such as structures, must be deducted over long cost recovery periods: up to 27.5 years (for residential buildings) or 39 years (for nonresidential buildings), cost recovery of buildings.

Reducing the Bias Against Long-term Investments

Other countries have shown that providing deductions in line with invested capital costs can have positive impacts both on investment and on debt bias.

7 min read