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The Deduction Podcast

Welcome to The Deduction, a Tax Foundation podcast and your guide to the complicated world of tax and economics.

From the impacts of tariffs and trade wars to debates over who pays and how much, each episode, our experts untangle another aspect of the tax code.



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Clearing up Carbon Taxes

Amidst bipartisan climate negotiations on Capitol Hill, there have been renewed calls for a carbon tax. Carbon taxes have long been magnets for political controversy. But from an economic standpoint, they deserve to be taken seriously. Here’s why.

2023 state tax reform and relief trend continues

States’ Taxes Go Flat

In more than 100 years of state income taxes, only four states have ever moved from a graduated-rate income tax to a flat tax. Another four may adopt flat tax legislation just this year. We discuss what flat taxes are, what they mean for taxpayers, and why so many states are making a push for them this year.

Biden budget tax proposals Biden budget child tax credit expansion American Rescue Plan American Families Plan Biden budget tax Treasury Green book revenue proposals

Biden’s Budget Battle

In a letter to lawmakers, the 46th President said that his $5.8 trillion budget package would “[grow] our economy, while ensuring that the wealthiest Americans and the biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share.” We break down what the President is proposing for this upcoming fiscal year and what its impact would be on the U.S. economy in the face of record-high inflation.

OECD harmful tax practices, FHTP, OECD BEPS, OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Let’s Make a Global Tax Deal

Late last year, over 130 countries agreed to a global minimum tax, a purported end-all and be-all to the “race to the bottom.” But this policy is complex, and countries are already struggling to implement these new rules. We talk through how this policy came to be, identify where problems are beginning to arise, and dispel some common myths about this emerging new tax system.

externality definition externality economics negative externalities like social costs Alcohol while how is a topic for Excise Tax Reforms federal gas tax holiday proposal for suspending the gas tax federal gas tax suspension gas tax holiday highway trust fund infrastructure funding

A Gas Tax Holiday

The cost of gas is going up. To address this, policymakers have proposed suspending the gas tax. But could this actually make matters worse? We discuss why suspending the gas tax might be a mistake and what lawmakers could do to help with the rising costs of gas.

Restructure child tax credi restructure earned income tax credit

The Child Tax Credit Score

The expanded Child Tax Credit from the American Rescue Plan was touted as a once-in-a-lifetime achievement toward reducing child poverty. But it was passed as a temporary tax measure. Temporary tax policy makes tax filing confusing, and the IRS has shown that it isn’t able to keep pace with being a social administrator and a tax collector. We discuss what taxpayers need to know about the ever-changing Child Tax Credit and how it may impact taxpayers this spring.

latest state tax trends and state tax cuts revenue implications include responsible state income tax relief in 2024

States on the Move: Cutting Across Party Lines

After a whirlwind of cuts and reforms in 2021, it looks like 2022 might be an even bigger year for state tax codes. Republican and Democratic governors alike used their annual State of the State addresses to call for tax reform, and there is already serious momentum from state lawmakers nationwide to get the job done. We discuss why states are looking to make so many tax changes now and how these proposals might play out in statehouses.

Who Benefits from Itemized Deductions? High income taxpayers tax breaks

Tax Season’s Greetings

The 2022 tax filing season is about to begin. With expected delays, pandemic-related troubles, and a backlog of over 8 million unprocessed returns from the 2021 tax filing season, Garrett Watson joins Jesse Solis to discuss what all these troubles will mean for taxpayers in what is shaping up to be a chaotic spring.

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Covid relief federal economic relief package, Biden stimulus $1,400 payments or stimulus checks COVID-19 tax resource center. coronavirus tax policy and the coronavirus (covid-19)

A Stimulating COVID-19 Discussion

New research shows that the United States had the second largest fiscal response to the COVID-19 pandemic globally. But did this magnitude of stimulus have the economic impact policymakers were hoping for?

Taxing Decisions, 2021: Minisode 4, Waiting on the Senate

Senior policy analyst Garrett Watson joins host Jesse Solis to discuss the Build Back Better Act’s prospects and what tax changes—ranging from the SALT deduction to the Child Tax Credit—could change in order to gain enough support for passage.

Taxing Decisions, 2021: Minisode 3 Revenge of the SALT

Infrastructure has made its way across the finish line, but the tax debate is far from over on Capitol Hill. Senior policy analyst Garrett Watson joins host Jesse Solis to walk us through the latest iteration of Democrats’ trillion-dollar reconciliation package and the myriad tax changes that are being proposed to finance this deal.

Do tax increases reduce inflation. See higher taxes inflation policies and cause for inflation amid looming recession

Taxing Decisions, 2021: Minisode 2

President Biden and Congressional Democrats introduced a scaled-back proposal of their reconciliation package, with House leadership saying they hope to vote on this new trillion-dollar package ASAP. We talk through what made it into the deal, what was cut, and what the impact of these tax changes would be.

Cell phone, Wireless consumers face excess Tax Burdens

Wireless with Strings Attached

As of 2020, there were 448 million active cell phone and wireless plans in the U.S. than there were Americans. The taxes on those plans brought in approximately $11.3 billion and constituted a record 24.96 percent of the cost of an average cell phone bill. Explore why cellphone taxes are climbing, the places they’re the highest, the consumers they impact the most, and how things can be improved.

House Republicans' American Families and Jobs Act includes the Build It in America Act and Tax Cuts for Working Families Act. Explore House GOP tax plan.

Federal Policy is Hard

Federal policy is hard. Federal health care policy during reconciliation while governing with razor-thin margins is really, really hard. We break down the debate on Capitol Hill over drug pricing and what the tradeoffs would be of having the federal government set prescription drug prices.

Deteriorating federal budget deficits highlight need to stabilize federal debt. See federal deficit taxes contextualized amid push to balance the budget

Taxing Decisions, 2021: Minisode 1

We discuss where the reconciliation package on Capitol Hill stands and talk through recent Tax Foundation modeling, which found that the plan may not have the economic boost its proponents have claimed.

Omnibus Federal Spending Deal: Retirement Savings Tax Treatment global minimum tax build back better revenue global minimum tax revenue and build back better act revenue potential domestic minimum tax

Wake Me Up when Reconciliation Ends

Reconciliation. One word that drives D.C. crazy, yet has been the way some of Congress’s most monumental bills have become law. We discuss why this complex budget process is back in the mix as Congress gears up to advance President Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar tax agenda.

A Wave of Digital Taxation EU digital tax

The One About Crypto

How should policymakers view crypto? How big is the issue of tax evasion in the cryptocurrency market and what can realistically be done to curb it? Is it possible to design a rational tax system around what, at times, can appear to be a less-than-rational market and, if so, what should it look like?

2021 tax season, tax refunds, IRS extends tax filing deadline to May 17

Tackling the Tax Gap: What Can Be Achieved?

Learn about the tax gap, what it is, how the U.S. compares to other countries, and recent proposals aimed at closing it. We also explore how much revenue could actually be raised through increased tax enforcement, the current challenges the IRS faces, and how stronger enforcement could impact taxpayers at large.

The State of State Income Taxes

On this episode of The Deduction, host Jesse Solis and Senior Policy Analyst Katherine Loughead explore how stronger-than-expected revenues and increased workplace flexibility have led to a wave of reforms aimed at enhancing tax competitiveness in states around the country.

Biden semiconductor CHIPS Act subsidies in the Chips and Science Act

Semiconducting Tax Policy

If you’ve read any headlines in the last few months, you’ve no doubt heard about the semiconductor shortage gripping global supply chain—and if you’ve tried to buy anything from a toaster to a car, you’ve witnessed it firsthand. But what’s really driving today’s crisis, can the U.S. manufacture its way out of it, and what role does tax and economic policy have to play in all this?