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Federal Tax Data

Providing journalists, taxpayers, and policymakers with the latest data on taxes and spending is a cornerstone of the Tax Foundation’s educational mission.

As a nonpartisan, educational organization, the Tax Foundation has earned a reputation for independence and credibility. Our federal tax policy team regularly provides accessible, data-driven insights from sources such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), and others. For more insights on the latest federal tax policies, explore the Tax Foundation’s general equilibrium Taxes & Growth (TAG) Model

All Federal Tax Data

338 Results
How the Section 232 Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Harmed the Economy

Corporate Investment Outweighs Federal Revenue Losses Since TCJA

The Biden administration has argued for raising the corporate tax rate to offset the drop in federal corporate revenues following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, claiming it did not lead to more corporate investment as advertised. Although corporate revenues did drop following this tax reform, the ensuing increase in corporate investment far exceeds these revenue losses.

1 min read
2021 combined federal and state corporate income tax rates. 2021 federal and state corporate tax rates. combined corporate income tax ratesDo corporations pay state and federal taxes?

Combined State and Federal Corporate Income Tax Rates in 2021

The state with the highest combined corporate income tax rate is New Jersey, with a combined rate of 30.1 percent. Corporations in Alaska, California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania face combined corporate income tax rates at or above 28 percent.

2 min read
Individual Taxes Are the Most Important Tax Revenue Source for the United States Sources of Tax Revenue in the United States US tax revenue, governmetn revenue in the US, US federal tax revenue 2021

Sources of U.S. Tax Revenue by Tax Type, 2021 Update

In the United States, individual income taxes (federal, state, and local) are the primary source of tax revenue, at 41.5 percent of total tax revenue. Social insurance taxes make up the second-largest share, at 24.9 percent, followed by consumption taxes, at 17.6 percent, and property taxes, at 12.1 percent.

4 min read