Blog Articles
A Property Tax is a Wealth Tax, but…
Warren’s comparison between the property tax and her proposed wealth tax makes a good sales pitch. However, there are important differences between the taxes. By no means is the property tax in many jurisdictions perfect, but it is generally better structured than a wealth tax.
4 min readNew Study Finds that High Tax Rates Lower the Chance of Business Survival
America’s tax code distorts the economic decision-making of firms, such as the favorable treatment of debt financing over equity. This study adds to this argument while providing motivation for policymakers to focus on how reforms to tax policy can increase American entrepreneurship.
2 min readIowa Adopts a “Soft” Property Tax Cap
3 min readCorporate and Pass-through Business Income and Returns Since 1980
More business income is reported on individual tax returns than corporate returns. The U.S. now has fewer corporations and more individually owned businesses. Corporations make up less than 5 percent of businesses but earn 60 percent of revenues.
3 min read