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International Proposals

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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) US EU tax and trade policy why Congress should care about EU tax policy

In the Shadow of T-TIP: Why Congress Should Care About EU Tax and Trade Issues in 2023

The EU’s unilateral approach with carbon taxes, faster track on the global minimum tax, and threat of renewed efforts on DSTs means that U.S. policymakers face some hard choices. Policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic should keep in mind pro-growth tax and trade principles that promote a rules-based international order and increase opportunity.

7 min read
digital services taxes in europe EU and OECD digital services tax Pillar One Digital taxes and tariffs

Digital Services Taxes: Is There an End in Sight?

As it stands, Pillar One would usher in the end of many digital services taxes (though perhaps not all) at the cost of increased complexity (in an already complex and uncertain system).

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Junk fees ban from the FTC Biden tax hike proposals live on Build Back Better Inflation Reduction Act Biden tax rates

Tax Hike Proposals Live on Despite Being Dropped in the Inflation Reduction Act

President Biden proposed a 7-point hike in the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, a new minimum book tax on corporate profits, and higher taxes on international activity. We estimated these proposals would reduce the size of the economy (GDP) by 1.6 percent over the long run and eliminate 542,000 jobs.

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Tax Files Under New Council of EU Presidency: Czechia

As the Czech EU presidency considers a plan to manage various tax-related files, it would be wise to consider principled tax policy that broadens the tax base and reduces the tax wedge on strategic investment.

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Biden corporate minimum tax global tax deal international tax corporate tax corporate global minimum tax proposal

4 Things to Know About the Global Tax Debate

The Biden administration has been supportive of the negotiations, but the changes should be reviewed in the context of recent policy changes in the U.S. and elsewhere, the general landscape of business taxation in the U.S., and potential challenges and risks arising from the global tax deal.

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global tax agreement global tax deal OECD global minimum tax rules corporate minimum tax rules Secretariat Proposal, OECD Public Consultation Document, Unified Approach under pillar one profit shifting definition tax planning and avoidance foreign direct investment FDI global tax deal impact of global tax agreement OECD international tax proposal

Time for an Updated Impact Assessment of the Global Tax Deal

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen offered estimates from the EU Tax Observatory as evidence that the Polish government would benefit from supporting the global tax deal. Unfortunately, evidence was, at best, out of date.

2 min read
Biden global minimum tax OECD Pillar Two Blueprint Biden international tax proposal GILTI cross-border investment profit shifting base erosion rules G7 tax and G7 global minimum tax deal. Some questions for global tax reform proposals and negotiations US

Which Global Minimum Tax Will We Get?

Over the course of the last year, it has become clear that Democratic lawmakers want to change U.S. international tax rules. However, as proposals have been debated in recent months, there are clear divides between U.S. proposals and the global minimum tax rules.

5 min read
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Rushing Headlong into Formulary Apportionment

Complex tax policies that work well “in theory” can often have a hard time when the rubber meets the road. One instance of this is the challenge that the OECD has created for itself with the global tax deal, also fondly known as Pillar 1 and Pillar 2.

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global tax agreement global tax deal OECD global minimum tax rules corporate minimum tax rules Secretariat Proposal, OECD Public Consultation Document, Unified Approach under pillar one

What Do Global Minimum Tax Rules Mean for Corporate Tax Policies?

The new OECD global minimum tax rules are complex, and some countries may opt to put them in place on top of preexisting rules for taxing multinational companies. However, countries should also consider ways to reform their existing rules in response to the minimum tax.

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Analysis of the Cost-of-Living Refund Act of 2019 Sherrod Brown Ro Khanna, EITC expansion low-income credit

How Heavily Taxed Are U.S. Multinationals?

In general, the effective tax rates on the foreign profits of U.S. multinationals are not that low relative to the U.S. tax rate, contrary to popular rhetoric.

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Ireland consultation on OECD international tax proposals ,Tax Foundation Response to Ireland Department of Finance Consultation Document: Consultation on OECD International Tax Proposals

Tax Foundation Response to Ireland Department of Finance Consultation Document: Consultation on OECD International Tax Proposals

The recent effort to change international tax rules has been one of significant contradictions. The proposals have been driven by arguments about the need to raise additional revenues, to stabilize corporate tax rates, or to prevent offshoring. However, upon closer examination, these three arguments fail to capture what is occurring.

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Ways & means tax proposal seeks to combat extraterritorial taxes and discriminatory taxes Global minimum tax revenue OECD Pillar Two revenue OECD impact assessment OECD Pillar One tax Pillar one amount a Biden interest limitation Biden interest deduction rule Biden interest expense limitation Business interest expense limitation Democrat Senate international tax overhaul discussion draft legislation (Wyden Brown Warner international tax overhaul) or Sen Wyden international tax plan,

Tax Foundation Comments on the Wyden, Warner, Brown Discussion Draft

The proposed restructuring of the GILTI and FDII regimes makes several changes to the tax base that are largely offsetting, leaving virtually all the revenue potential to be determined by the tax rates on GILTI and FDII and the haircuts on foreign tax credits. Lawmakers should carefully weigh the trade-offs between higher tax revenues and competitiveness.

12 min read