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U.S. Treasury

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Two Important Issues that Must Be Resolved in “Global Tax Reform”

If the U.S. is suggesting a 15 percent effective rate as the minimum acceptable rate for a global agreement, then the tax bases of the various minimum taxes adopted as part of the agreement should be aligned to minimize complexities and unintended consequences.

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US Treasury state tax cuts limitation rule American Rescue Plan Act state and local fiscal recovery funds American Rescue Plan state tax cuts rule

Treasury Rule on State Tax Cuts Limitation Raises New Questions

Today, the U.S. Treasury issued an interim final rule on the $350 billion in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provided under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The proposed rule resolves several important questions but continues to involve the federal government in state finances at an extraordinary level.

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What to Expect During the 2021 Tax Season

The IRS recently announced the extension of tax filing and payment deadlines from April 15th to May 17th to help taxpayers navigating the many tax changes amid the pandemic and give the IRS opportunity to clear its backlog of tax returns and correspondence.

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Phasing in a Corporate Rate Hike Would Be the Worst of Both Worlds

The Biden administration has signaled its openness to raising the corporate tax rate, potentially by phasing in an increase over several years. While phasing in a tax increase, as opposed to hiking immediately, may seem like a reasonable middle ground, it would be the worst of both worlds because it provides old investment with a lower rate while penalizing new investment.

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American Rescue Plan state tax cuts Treasury clarification Biden international tax team, US treasury biden international tax appointees, Assistant Secretary in the Office of Tax Policy, Tax Policy as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multilateral Tax, Kimberly Clausing, Rebecca Kysar and Itai Grinberg.

Personnel Is Policy: Biden International Tax Team Edition

This week, the Treasury Department added several new appointees as staffing continues following President Biden’s inauguration. Among them were three scholars of international tax policy: economist Kimberly Clausing and law professors Rebecca Kysar and Itai Grinberg. These three will be influential in developing the administration’s approach to changing U.S. tax rules for multinational corporations and negotiating international tax policy changes at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

4 min read
Janet Yellen Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen Treasury testimony confirmation testimony and hearing

5 Observations on Janet Yellen’s Recent Confirmation Testimony

In her recent confirmation hearing, economist Janet Yellen, President Biden’s choice for Treasury Secretary, sought to reassure markets that the new administration would not raise corporate taxes until the economy improves. At the same time, however, she sent a troubling signal that when they do push for higher corporate tax rates, they would do so in coordination with other countries so that the U.S. doesn’t lose its competitive edge.

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COVID-19 Relief Package FAQ

The latest $900 billion coronavirus relief bill extends and modifies several provisions first enacted in the CARES Act, Congress’s $2.2 trillion pandemic relief law that was passed in March. With this package, lawmakers will have responded to the coronavirus and related economic hardship with a record-setting $3 trillion of fiscal support.

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What Federal Policymakers Can Learn from Business Tax Refunds in 2020

Policymakers should consider finding ways to simplify the administration of relief during future crises. This will help ensure the relief is timely and targeted, key components of any successful relief package for this crisis or crises in the future.

3 min read
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Digital Tax Deadlock: Where Do We Go from Here?

We recently hosted an exclusive webinar discussion to get up to speed on recent digital tax developments and gain insight from leading international tax experts on the OECD’s BEPS project.

9 min read

A Blow to Pillar 1

The U.S. has called for a pause in global digital tax negotiations, dealing a blow to Pillar 1 of the OECD’s international tax project. What happens next could be very harmful for the global economy.

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New Guidance on State Aid Under the CARES Act

The U.S. Department of the Treasury recently issued new guidance on allowable expenses using the $150 billion in state aid provided under the CARES Act, a point on which there has been considerable confusion.

3 min read

State and Local Funding Totals Under the CARES Act

State and local governments across the country split $150 billion in federal aid under a provision of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed on March 30th.

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