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marginal tax rates, taxes on the rich. top 1 percent tax rates, effective tax rate

The Top 1 Percent’s Tax Rates Over Time

In the 1950s, when the top marginal income tax rate reached 92 percent, the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid an effective rate of only 16.9 percent. As top marginal rates have fallen, the tax burden on the rich has risen.

4 min read
Tax Foundation Response to OECD Public Consultation Document: Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digitalization of the Economy, OECD, digital economy tax, OECD public consultation

Tax Foundation Response to OECD Public Consultation Document: Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digitalization of the Economy

Though the challenges to international tax policy are many, the OECD has a chance to work toward a system that creates fewer distortions and negative economic effects than the current one. However, given the policies on the table, it will certainly take quite an effort to avoid further complexity of international tax rules that creates challenges to global trade and economic prosperity.

17 min read
GILTI global minimum tax Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

What Happens When Everyone is GILTI?

Secretary Mnuchin, Finance Minister Le Maire, and other tax policy leaders should encourage the OECD and their own research staff to perform serious economic analysis on the alternatives for changing international tax rules before moving forward. It would be quite unfortunate for the world to learn the wrong lessons from U.S. tax reform.

3 min read
Income and payroll taxes make up a growing share of federal revenue, income tax, payroll tax, corporate tax, tax revenue, federal revenue

The Composition of Federal Revenue Has Changed Over Time

The federal income tax and federal payroll tax make up a growing share of federal revenue. Individual income taxes have become a central pillar of the federal revenue system, now comprising nearly half of all revenue.

2 min read