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Lawmakers Could Pay for Reconciliation While Improving the Tax Code, pay for reconciliation tax proposal

Lawmakers Could Pay for Reconciliation While Improving the Tax Code

With corporate and individual rate hikes potentially out of the Build Back Better (BBB) reconciliation package, lawmakers are weighing alternative options to raise revenue. Rather than come up with untested proposals and complicated changes to the tax base, they should prioritize options that raise revenue while improving the structure of the tax code.

4 min read

Louisiana Voters Have Chance to Simplify Taxes and Lower Burdens

Passage of Louisiana Amendments 1 and 2, which are aimed at the sales tax and individual and corporate income taxes, respectively, would substantially simplify the Pelican State’s tax code and provide tax relief in both the short and long term.

8 min read
Israel income tax system, Taxes in Israel

Movers and Shakers in the International Tax Competitiveness Index

The Index provides lessons for policymakers when they are thinking of ways to remove distortions from their tax systems and remain competitive against their peers. The further up a country moves on the Index, the more likely it is to have broader tax bases, relatively lower rates, and policies that are less distortionary to individual or business decisions. Going the other way reveals a policy preference for narrow tax bases, special tax policy tools, and rules that make it difficult for compliance.

5 min read