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2019 corporate tax rates around the world. 2019 corporate tax trends around the world

Corporate Tax Rates around the World, 2021

A new report shows that corporate tax rates around the world continue to level off. “We aren’t seeing a race to the bottom, we’re seeing a race toward the middle,” said Sean Bray, global policy analyst at the Tax Foundation.

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Bipartisan tax policy roots

Tax Policy’s Bipartisan Roots

Michael J. Graetz is the Columbia Alumni Professor of Tax Law and a leading expert on national and international tax law.

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2021 North Carolina tax reform and 2021 North Carolina income tax reform and proposals

North Carolina Reinforces Its Tax Reform Legacy

With the adoption of its new budget in mid-November, North Carolina has reinforced its position as a leader in pro-growth tax reform, becoming the 12th state to enact income tax rate reductions in 2021 alone.

6 min read

Taxing Decisions, 2021: Minisode 4, Waiting on the Senate

Senior policy analyst Garrett Watson joins host Jesse Solis to discuss the Build Back Better Act’s prospects and what tax changes—ranging from the SALT deduction to the Child Tax Credit—could change in order to gain enough support for passage.

2021 Consumption Tax Systems in Europe Comparing Consumption Tax Systems in Europe 2021 worst Consumption tax systems in Europe Consumption taxes in Europe

Comparing Europe’s Tax Systems: Consumption Taxes

According to the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, Switzerland has the best-structured consumption tax among OECD countries while Poland has the worst-structured consumption tax code.

2 min read
Manufacturing, Machinery, Factory, Full Expensing, 100 percent bonus depreciation

Trump-Biden Tariffs Hurt Domestic Manufacturing

As lawmakers today look for ways to boost American industry and reduce costs for consumers, they should pay attention to the mountains of evidence that the Trump-Biden tariffs have harmed American consumers and businesses.

5 min read