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Capital Allowances in Europe, 2023

Capital allowances play an important role in a country’s corporate tax base and can impact investment decisions—with far-reaching economic consequences.

4 min read
Barbie the Movie Taxes

Let Mattel You about Barbie’s Taxes

In Greta Gerwig’s new Barbie movie, Barbie’s venture outside of Barbieland introduces her to new experiences. But what about Barbie and taxes?

3 min read
Who pays taxes? A complete measure of federal state local tax burden and government transfers (fiscal incidence) finds a US progressive fiscal system.

Interesting Interest Rates

Interest rates and tax policy, two vital components of our economic landscape, often interact in fascinating ways. They influence the behavior of individuals, businesses, and governments. But how exactly?

Weeding the Garden of International Tax

Simplifying international tax rules will not solve all the challenges that stand in the way of healthy cross-border investment, but eliminating unnecessary provisions would be a positive pivot relative to the trajectory of recent years. It’s high time that policymakers stopped pursuing ever more complex rules and started the hard work of simplification.

6 min read
IRS budget increase IRS technology modernization and IRS funding for IRS e-filing electronic tax filing

The U.S. Tax Code Is Too Complex for Direct eFile to Work

It is hard to imagine the IRS Direct e-File Program operating seamlessly with the complexity of the current U.S. tax system. Instead, lawmakers should first address the more fundamental problem that causes taxpayer frustration: our highly complicated tax code.

4 min read