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Joe Biden Feb 2023

Biden’s 2024 Budget

The White House says this budget will reduce the deficit, strengthen Medicare, and will only target the well-off. But are those claims true? Erica York, senior economist, walks through the details with Jesse. They discuss what the economic impact of this budget would be and what parts stand a chance at actually becoming law.

UK budget tax policies like UK tax reform options UK full expensing Spring Budget

Temporary Full Expensing Arrives in the UK

The UK’s adoption of full expensing is a welcome step that may generate short-run economic benefits. However, for the reform to have a meaningful effect on the UK’s international competitiveness and long-run economic performance, it must be made permanent—which the British government has said it hopes to do.

6 min read
New Mexico tax reform 2023 New Mexico omnibus tax bill business tax reform HB 547 New Mexico gross receipts tax

New Mexico’s Omnibus Tax Bill

Adopting the sound tax reforms still pending in Santa Fe is an opportunity for New Mexico to keep up with the pack or risk falling further behind.

7 min read
Chile tax reform 2023 Chile Boric business tax reform to Chile corporate tax reform

Chile Needs Pro-Growth Tax Reform

As Chile looks to the future, policymakers might want to follow the UK’s example. Policymakers should focus on growth-oriented tax policies that encourage private and foreign direct investment, savings, and entrepreneurial activity, increasing Chile’s international tax competitiveness.

2 min read
How do tax brackets work educational video on tax brackets explained

How Do Tax Brackets Work?

Understanding how tax brackets work can inform decisions about performing extra work through a second job or overtime, or pursuing new streams of income.