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EU tax revenue stability amid global financial crisis European public debt crisis and Eurozone recession tax policy

Tax Policy and Economic Downturns in Europe

While some temporary policies can help in a crisis, policymakers should focus their efforts on sustainable policies that support growth and the resilience of businesses (and government coffers) over the long term.

6 min read
What Companies Do with Profits, including retained profits versus distributed profits like Biden stock buybacks tax and dividend payments

A Better Way to Tax Stock Buybacks

The distributed profits tax is a sounder approach to concerns about investment and stock buybacks than the existing policy approach.

6 min read
Estate taxes, inheritance taxes, and gift taxes in Europe 2023

Estate, Inheritance, and Gift Taxes in Europe, 2023

As tempting as inheritance, estate, and gift taxes might look—especially when the OECD notes them as a way to reduce wealth inequality—their limited capacity to collect revenue and their negative impact on entrepreneurial activity, saving, and work should make policymakers consider their repeal instead of boosting them.

3 min read
unlocking global growth and role of taxation in promoting economic growth Tax Conference

How to Unlock Global Growth: The Role of Taxation

Our recent policy conference brought together academics and political leaders to present research on some of the most pressing issues in global tax policy and to discuss solutions that can unlock genuine global growth.

9 min read
Stockholm Sweden Scandinavian tax systems to fund large social safety net and public service programs

Insights into the Tax Systems of Scandinavian Countries

Scandinavian countries are well known for their broad social safety net and their public funding of services such as universal health care, higher education, parental leave, and child and elderly care. So how do Scandinavian countries raise their tax revenues?

7 min read
Michigan income tax cut may be temporary due to recent opinion by Michigan attorney general tax opinion

Is Michigan’s Tax Cut Temporary or Permanent?

Michiganders will pay a lower individual income tax rate next year thanks to high general fund revenues, but these savings may be short-lived following an opinion released by the state’s attorney general.

7 min read
State recreational marijuana taxes as of April 2023 state cannabis tax rates

Does Your State Tax Recreational Marijuana?

Recreational marijuana taxation is one of the hottest policy issues in the U.S. Currently, 21 states have implemented legislation to legalize and tax recreational marijuana sales.

5 min read
IRS funding increase Inflation Reduction Act IRS strategic operating plan includes auditors

IRS Strategic Operating Plan Shows Promise, but Concerns Remain

While the IRS hopes to increase revenue collection and minimize additional burdens on taxpayers, uncertainty remains regarding its ability to deliver, particularly on the latter. Furthermore, some concerns about the original funding package are already surfacing, specifically around insufficient funding for taxpayer services.

6 min read