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Coronavirus relief measures, Coronavirus tax relief measures, Coronavirus VAT payments, refunds, and rates in Europe

VAT Bases in Europe

The extent to which businesses and consumers will benefit from coronavirus relief measures like temporary VAT changes will depend on the VAT base.

2 min read
How healthy is your state's rainy day fund? State rainy day funds and state rainy day balances as a percentage of state general fund expenditures

How Healthy is Your State’s Rainy Day Fund?

Rainy day funds have increasingly emerged as a standard component of states’ budgeting toolkits. Economic cycles can have significant impacts on state revenue, but states can prepare for the inevitable downturns during good times by putting away money in a revenue stabilization fund.

2 min read
VAT Thresholds in Europe, EU VAT Exemption Thresholds in Europe

VAT Exemption Thresholds in Europe

Due to certain VAT exemption thresholds, many small businesses will not be able to benefit from the VAT changes being introduced throughout Europe to provide relief during the COVID-19 crisis.

2 min read
How high are vapor taxes in your state? State nicotine tax rates, state taxes on nicotine products

Excise Taxes on Vapor Products Are Trending

While lawmakers are working through the design of vapor tax proposals, they must thread the needle between protecting adult smokers’ ability to switch and barring minors’ access to nicotine products. A good first step is creating appropriate definitions for the new nicotine products to avoid unintended disproportionate taxation based on design differences or bundling.

7 min read