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EU cigarette tax rates, Cigarette taxes in the EU, Excise duties on Tobacco European Union

Cigarette Taxes in Europe, 2020

Ireland and the United Kingdom levy the highest excise duties on cigarettes in the European Union (EU), at €8.00 ($8.95) and €6.83 ($7.64) per 20-cigarette pack, respectively. This compares to an EU average of €3.22 ($3.61). Bulgaria (€1.80 or $2.01) and Slovakia (€2.07 or $2.32) levy the lowest excise duties.

3 min read
tax exemption definition TaxEDU 2021 state tax changes. net operating loss policies in the OECD NOL omnibus covid-19 relief deal. phase 4 coronavirus relief, phase 4 business relief, phase 4 relief net operating loss, cost recovery

Sources of Personal Income, Tax Year 2017

Reviewing the sources of personal income shows that the personal income tax is largely a tax on labor, primarily because our personal income is mostly derived from labor. However, varied sources of capital income also play a role in American incomes.

9 min read
estimated economic impact of improved cost recovery by state

Estimated Impact of Improved Cost Recovery Treatment by State

We estimate that moving to permanent full expensing and neutral cost recovery for structures would add more than 1 million full-time equivalent jobs to the long-run economy and boost the long-run capital stock by $4.8 trillion.

4 min read