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6186 Results
excise tax definition suspending the gas tax proposal Kentucky's gas tax road funding, Kentucky gas tax bill

Kentucky’s Century-Old Gas Tax Is Failing to Keep Up with Road Funding Needs

For the fourth year in a row, a comprehensive infrastructure funding reform bill has been introduced in Kentucky, with the centerpiece being a gas tax increase of 8.6 cents per gallon (cpg). Like many states, Kentucky faces a backlog of road maintenance and construction projects, and existing transportation taxes and user fees are failing to keep pace with funding needs.

4 min read
American Families Plan tax proposals American Family Plan Details and Analysis Biden American Families Plan Senate American Rescue Plan direct payments stimulus checks federal covid relief American Rescue Plan tax american rescue plan stimulus payments

Senate Direct Payment Design Would Create High Implicit Marginal Tax Rates

As the Senate debates the relief package and makes progress in the budget reconciliation process, policymakers should keep in mind the trade-off between targeted economic relief and increasing marginal tax rates in the tax code, which can distort incentives to earn income and induce taxpayers to creatively adjust their AGI to receive a payment in the next tax season.

4 min read
New Hampshire Business Profits Tax, New Hampshire Business Enterprise Tax, New Hampshire business tax cut, New Hampshire House Bill 10, New Hampshire Income Tax

New Hampshire Bill Aims to Reduce Tax Burden on Businesses

A year ago, it seemed possible that New Hampshire was headed toward a triggered tax increase. Instead, lawmakers may trim business tax rates and begin the phaseout of the state’s tax on interest and dividend income, which would take away the asterisk and make New Hampshire the ninth state to forgo an individual income tax altogether.

4 min read
Remote work tax revenue implications digital nomad visas, digital nomads, tax incentives for remote workers. Deutsche Bank tax work-from-home tax Deutsche Bank privilege tax on remote work

Tax Incentives for Digital Nomads and Remote Workers

Policy changes to attract foreigners are not without benefits, but governments should carefully weigh the costs of the tax incentives against opportunities to implement broader tax reforms. A more efficient income tax system is a better objective than just focusing on incentives for foreigners to change their tax residence.

4 min read
UK 2021 budget Rishi sunak 2021 UK budget 2021

An Investment Boost in the UK’s 2021 Budget

The UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak released the 2021 budget, and most important for near-term growth is the significant boost to capital allowances.

5 min read
UK tax reform, 2021 budget UK 2021 budget, UK corporate tax reform, UK corporation tax rate

The UK Should Not Ignore Problems with its Corporate Tax Base

While the UK is looking at ways to raise tax revenue to cover the revenue shortfalls and additional spending resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, short- as well as long-term, investment will be crucial in getting the economy back on track and ensuring economic growth.

3 min read
DeSantis gas tax relief DeSantis gas tax proposal Florida gas tax proposal Florida gas tax relief Florida online sales tax law bottled water tax on water extraction in Florida

Renewed Calls for Severance Taxes on Bottled Spring Water

Amid a debate over water extraction from Florida’s springs, Florida Sen. Annette Taddeo (D) has introduced a bill (SB 562) which, if enacted, would establish an excise tax on water extraction beginning July 1.

4 min read
UK taxes, UK tax reform 2021 UK tax reform British tax reform, 2021 UK budget

Brits to Prepare for Tax Reforms

Tax hikes or spending cuts implemented early in the year might undermine the desirable rapid recovery of the economy. The UK should focus on implementing tax reforms that have the potential to stimulate economic recovery by supporting business investment and employment while increasing its international tax competitiveness.

4 min read
PA tax increase, PA income tax proposal Governor Wolf Gov. Wolf PA income tax increase Pennsylvania tax increase proposal

A $6 Billion Tax Increase Proposal in Pennsylvania Would Yield the Nation’s Highest Combined Flat-Rate Income Taxes

Under the budget introduced by Gov. Tom Wolf, Pennsylvania’s flat personal income tax rate would increase by 46 percent, partially offset by an outsized increase in the poverty credit, which would see a family of four eligible for partial relief due to poverty until they reached $100,000 in taxable income—four times the poverty line.

6 min read
Soda tax soda taxes on sugary drinks sugar taxes soda tax

Sugar Taxes Back on the Menu

At least four states—Connecticut, Hawaii, New York, and Washington—are considering statewide excise taxes on sugary drinks this year.

4 min read