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Uline Minnesota Supreme Court Tax Ruling Interstate Income Act

Minnesota High Court Ruling Will Increase Business Tax Compliance Costs

With a changing economy—the law is about companies selling tangible products, but our economy is increasingly service-oriented—and state-level tests to the ongoing validity of the law, perhaps the time has come for Congress to update and expand upon these protections, which are designed to limit states from imposing substantial tax remittance and compliance burdens on businesses with only the most minimal of contacts with the state.

5 min read
2024 state and local tax ballot measures details analysis and tax ballot measure results

State Tax Ballot Measures to Watch in 2024

Taxes are on the ballot this November—not just in the sense that candidates at all levels are offering their visions for tax policy, but also in the literal sense that voters in some states will get to decide important questions about how their states raise revenue.

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Modernizing State Sales Tax Reform Options Guide

Modernizing State Sales Taxes: A Policymaker’s Guide

The sales tax is the second-largest source of state tax revenue and an important source of local tax revenue, but decades of base erosion threaten the tax’s share of overall revenue and have prompted years of countervailing rate increases.

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ARPA tax mandate American Rescue Plan Act state tax cuts

ARPA’s Tax Mandate Ruled Unconstitutional by Appellate Court

The Fifth Circuit has affirmed states’ authority over their respective tax policies and has asserted that the offset clause—often called the “Tax Mandate”—of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has enough fiscal impact on a state’s budget so as to be coercive, as opposed to incentivizing.

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Moore Supreme Court tax case wealth tax

Supreme Court Rules against Moores 7-2, Leaves Most Questions Undecided

The government won in Moore. However, given the narrow opinion of the court and the reasoning in the Barrett concurrence and the Thomas dissent, it seems likely that future rulings under other facts and circumstances could favor taxpayers instead.

7 min read
Economic Nexus Tax Treatment by State, 2024

Economic Nexus Treatment by State, 2024

Reforming economic nexus thresholds would not only be better for businesses but for states as well. It is more cost-effective for states to focus on—and simplify—compliance for a reasonable number of sellers than to impose rules that have low compliance and are costly to administer. 

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Moore tax case of Moore vs United States consumption tax base

Why Moore v. U.S. Won’t Get Us a Consumption Tax Base

At first glance, a ruling for the plaintiffs in Moore might seem to solve some of the timing problems with the U.S. tax system. Unfortunately, upon greater inspection, such a ruling might create new timing problems. And the more rigid the ruling, the harder it would be to fix the timing problems it would create.

5 min read
South Dakota v Wayfair online sales tax remote sellers compliance issues with marketplace facilitator laws

Marketplace Facilitator Laws: Past, Present, and a Better Future

The current patchwork of state laws taxing marketplace facilitators is complex, burdensome, and inefficient. States should work to resolve these issues and standardize the otherwise disparate requirements—with or without an inducement from Congress or the courts.

29 min read
Maryland sales tax hike on businesses proposed by state lawmakers

Maryland’s Digital Advertising Tax Is Unworkably Vague

In addition to its economic impact on Maryland businesses and the likelihood of serious legal challenges, Maryland’s proposed digital advertising tax is incredibly vague on vital definitions, creating uncertainty about where revenue is sourced and when it is subject to the tax.

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