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Individual Tax Compliance and Complexity

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Tax stability

Unstable Taxes and an Unpredictable Future

When the tax code is stable and predictable, individuals, families, and businesses can set goals for the future and make plans to achieve them.

Considering 2025 tax reform options for 2025, 2026, and beyond for the 2025 tax debate

Considering Tax Reform Options for 2025 (and Beyond)

Given that U.S. debt is roughly the size of our annual economic output, policymakers will face many tough fiscal choices in the coming years. The good news is there are policies that both support a larger economy and avoid adding to the debt.

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Five Facts to Know about the House Bipartisan Tax Deal

Five Facts to Know about the Bipartisan Tax Deal

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a highly anticipated bipartisan tax deal. The Tax Relief for American Workers and Families Act now awaits action in the Senate.

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Maryland local income tax hike proposal

Maryland Considers Raising Local Income Taxes

Local income taxes in Maryland constitute about 35 percent of local tax collections and more than 17 percent of local revenue, giving Maryland’s localities the highest dependence on income taxes in the nation.

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Portugal VAT tax reform options

Mind the Gap, Please! How Portugal Could Reform Its VAT System

Portugal’s value-added tax (VAT) policy is a treasure trove of tax oddities. Thankfully, VAT base broadening is an ideal instrument to give the Portuguese government the fiscal room to implement pro-growth tax reforms

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D.C. Tax Revision Commission Recommends Major Tax Changes

While some recommendations follow the principles of sound tax policy and may improve the District’s tax climate, some proposals make the tax code more complex and less neutral, potentially disincentivizing investment and business activity.

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Tackling Financial Literacy with Jed Collins

Financial literacy is a problem that educators around the country are trying to tackle. Today, we’re speaking with Jed Collins, a former NFL player, who is leading the charge in the financial education arena by guiding high school and college students, as well as professional athletes, through the world of finance.